Is There Any Chance Of Cancer In Follicle Neogenesis In Microneedling?


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Guys, let me try the cancer concern on you again. I know we're all eager to get our hair back, but we shouldn't throw caution to the wind if there's a potential for something as serious as cancer.

So, Follica says that wounding causes the generation of new hair follicles, if that is so I assume stem cells are involved in this somehow. I think that whenever stem cells divide there's a concern about cancer, at least that is one of the concerns in Tsuji's treatment, from what I understand, so I don't see why it wouldn't be here, as well.

If you're needling with a 35 or so needle cartridge and doing multiple passes and doing it daily, you're creating god knows how many wounds. I don't know how many of those turn into new follicles, but say it's even 10%, that's an AWFUL lot of stem cells dividing and an awful lot of opportunity for something to go south. I really don't want us to discover scalp cancer.

I've been reading up on caffeine recently and there have been studies about it's potential mutagenicity at very high doses. You create 35 to the power of god knows how many wounds in your head and induce stem cell divisions in there and then you use an anti-hairloss shampoo which contains caffeine in god knows what concentration, or one of the 10 other dubious topicals you're using that have god knows what kind of effects and you can see how things could go to hell in a handbasket.

Now, admittedly, I don't know much about this, so it would be great if someone knowledgeable about this could tell us whether this is a legit concern, how MUCH of a concern is it etc.


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@norwood 11

May I ask why you are on this forum? Post after post all you do is degrade people trying to keep their hair, and then also start spouting crap like the above?

If it isn’t curable why waste your time with so called ‘incels’?


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oh fcuk off with this fetal position again...

I’m the voice of logic, a rebellion, a reality check, a Christmas spirit. I’m here to protect the innocent and to put my spear through the propecia incels. Those who take the drug and seek help shall be swiftly helped. The rest shall be mercilessly dismantled with every attempt they make to spread evil and misinformation.

Claims to be the voice of logic yet continues to spout the opposite..


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There are papers stating that long term microneedling leads to the exact opposite outcome (again, do your research and find them I don’t spoonfeed people). If you think a $5 roller will grow your hair, you’re a moron. It’s all a marketing scheme. Look at hairiliciously channel on YouTube. “Trying to help you guys” a year later “buy my rollers”. Why is it so hard for hair loss talk to accept the reality of things? Androgenetic Alopecia is NEVER going to be reversed. Never.

f*****g hell spare us from the rants and just post the damn papers. We all honestly couldn’t give two fucks about some youtuber.


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The guy is obviously a troll, just ignore
Not a troll, just a teenager trying to feel better with his receeding hairline by adopting a cringy big boy attitude. When someone contradicts science you know you shouldn't believe him.


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Not a troll, just a teenager trying to feel better with his receeding hairline by adopting a cringy big boy attitude. When someone contradicts science you know you shouldn't believe him.

There was a guy called FredtheBelgian who used to dominate these boards years ago (as I'm sure a lot of you remember). This Betaboy guy reminds me a bit of him, except Fred at least (occasionally) had some informed opinions. This Betaboy however is talking out his *** despite the know it all attitude! It's quite comical actually.


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There was a guy called FredtheBelgian who used to dominate these boards years ago (as I'm sure a lot of you remember). This Betaboy guy reminds me a bit of him, except Fred at least (occasionally) had some informed opinions. This Betaboy however is talking out his *** despite the know it all attitude! It's quite comical actually.

I'm flattered that you've found comic relief in my postings but I'm not the one who hijacked this thread to spread some nonsense agenda.


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Guys, let me try the cancer concern on you again. I know we're all eager to get our hair back, but we shouldn't throw caution to the wind if there's a potential for something as serious as cancer.

So, Follica says that wounding causes the generation of new hair follicles, if that is so I assume stem cells are involved in this somehow. I think that whenever stem cells divide there's a concern about cancer, at least that is one of the concerns in Tsuji's treatment, from what I understand, so I don't see why it wouldn't be here, as well.

If you're needling with a 35 or so needle cartridge and doing multiple passes and doing it daily, you're creating god knows how many wounds. I don't know how many of those turn into new follicles, but say it's even 10%, that's an AWFUL lot of stem cells dividing and an awful lot of opportunity for something to go south. I really don't want us to discover scalp cancer.

I've been reading up on caffeine recently and there have been studies about it's potential mutagenicity at very high doses. You create 35 to the power of god knows how many wounds in your head and induce stem cell divisions in there and then you use an anti-hairloss shampoo which contains caffeine in god knows what concentration, or one of the 10 other dubious topicals you're using that have god knows what kind of effects and you can see how things could go to hell in a handbasket.

Now, admittedly, I don't know much about this, so it would be great if someone knowledgeable about this could tell us whether this is a legit concern, how MUCH of a concern is it etc.

Not sure we go deep enough with the needles. I don't know much about that, but damaging only the superficial layers of the skin does not sound dangerous, does it ?

Dermarollers are not only used for scalp, they ve been used for skin for ages and we did not hear about this risk.


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Not sure we go deep enough with the needles. I don't know much about that, but damaging only the superficial layers of the skin does not sound dangerous, does it ?

Dermarollers are not only used for scalp, they ve been used for skin for ages and we did not hear about this risk.

I don't know whether using dermarollers on skin of the face involves generation of new hair follicles. I assume it doesn't, altho it's possible, given that I guess every part of skin has those small, almost invisible hair (is that right?).

So the distinction is that use of it on the head creates new follicles, which means stem cells are involved, which is where the risk of cancer (theoretically) comes in.

As I mentioned in the original post, I BELIEVE, that cancer is an acknowledged concern, at least a theoretical one, in Tsuji's treatment, so...

Bear in mind that I have no efing idea what I'm talking about, for all I know, stem cells may be involved in just normal skin repair, but my point is, from what we know, it seems like a legit concern that should be looked into.