Is there any hope for the Forehead/Old Hair line area?


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I just starting using minoxidil on what is now part of my forhead, its my receding area off to the sides there, but if you were to look at it, you wouldnt think there has been hair there EVER!, but 10 years ago there was, is there any chance of regrowth here, or am i wasting time even applying minoxidil there?


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10 years ago? probably not gonna happen unfortunately. but does it really take any longer to add the minoxidil to that part? probably not, its worth a shot i suppose, especially if you are on propecia as well.


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well, it might not have been 10 years ago, im 29 now, i dont exactly when i started receding, i guess your right though, just apply and cross my fingers??


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You almost certainly won't regrow hair that was lost more than four years ago. You may not even regrow hair that was lost more recently than that. If your hairline has been receding for 10 years, you may recover some of it at the most. Keep in mind, however, that even guys who don't have male pattern baldness will have some hairline recession. It's called a "mature hairline."


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if thats the case then why are people using rogaine? i cant imagine that everyone who uses it has started using it within 4 years of losing their hair....

jeez this is depressing, lol, i was all excited thinking i was gonna grow back some hair, lol


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you have a good chance of regrowing some hair, but 10 years is a long time for a hair follicle to be dormant (aka dead). the hairloss treatments that are out there now are only good for waking up hairfollicles that have just started to feel the effects of DHT or have just recently been killed by the effects of DHT. Those hair follicles that haven't been producing hair for like five to ten years are tough to wake back up. The only reason we say things like this is that you don't want to get your expectations overly high, because they you are setting yourself up for disappointment. realistic goals and firmly sticking to your regimen are two very important characteristics of a successful hair loss treatment.


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Trent8 said:
you have a good chance of regrowing some hair, but 10 years is a long time for a hair follicle to be dormant (aka dead). the hairloss treatments that are out there now are only good for waking up hairfollicles that have just started to feel the effects of DHT or have just recently been killed by the effects of DHT. Those hair follicles that haven't been producing hair for like five to ten years are tough to wake back up. The only reason we say things like this is that you don't want to get your expectations overly high, because they you are setting yourself up for disappointment. realistic goals and firmly sticking to your regimen are two very important characteristics of a successful hair loss treatment.

Very good point!


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if there isnt hair (even velus) there anymore, it's because your hair follicles are really really dormant, so there's nothing able to do about them :(
well, actually, there is only one thing that may give them back to you.. it is OSH101..
people here arent discussing about osh101 anymore, but in HLH there's a post with 'good results'.. seems to be a awesome breakthrough stuff for hairloss..


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huh, it sounds like there was realistic chat on here about this product a while ago, why not anymore. guys?? was this just another scam?


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i definetely think it's not a scam.. otherwise, osteoscreen wouldnt be spending millions with the FDA to prove it really works.................... i hope it does what it have to do.. :wink:


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i dont know, and it's expensive.. you can ask ppl in that HLH post i pasted here.. there are ppl there who knows where to buy and ppl wanting to buy too..

Vinton Harper

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shosho said:
i definetely think it's not a scam.. otherwise, osteoscreen wouldnt be spending millions with the FDA to prove it really works.................... i hope it does what it have to do.. :wink:
Well, if it does work as good as promised, I'll bet the makers of Rogaine would be spending millions to shut them up! :wink:


Vinton Harper said:
shosho said:
i definetely think it's not a scam.. otherwise, osteoscreen wouldnt be spending millions with the FDA to prove it really works.................... i hope it does what it have to do.. :wink:
Well, if it does work as good as promised, I'll bet the makers of Rogaine would be spending millions to shut them up! :wink:

or tens of millions to buy them up...


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What is most likely to happen for you is that your exisiting hairline, wherever it may be on your forehead, will thicken up nice. It won't come down any lower, though. Like someone else said, what you have is most probably a mature hairline- where your hairline raises up on your forehead and temple area, by as much as an inch or so. This is normal, especially with you being 29 years old. A mature hairline will tend to happen very fast- not like a normal balding process- within 6 months your hairline can be higher. For me it happened quite quick- and just like you, I freaked out when it first started around age 26. I remember cutting my hair differently, trying to alter my temple area and such to compensate for it, lol. Didn't work, obviously, as a few people asked me what was up with my temple hair. Anyhow, that's when I jumped on Propecia, so it's a good idea for you too- this way you get a really good head start, just in case it progresses further.