Is There Any Science About How B Vitamins Could Enhance Hair Growth?


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I understand that nutrition is not a cure for hairloss, but it seems logical that very often it can exacerbate the sitution if you also have overall thinning due to nutritional deficits. There is enough science about zinc, vitamin d and iron, but what about B vitamins?
Everyones talking about biotin which is B7, but I can't find any proof. Also they say that niacin may help. Any science backing this up please?
Thank you!


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I understand that nutrition is not a cure for hairloss, but it seems logical that very often it can exacerbate the sitution if you also have overall thinning due to nutritional deficits. There is enough science about zinc, vitamin d and iron, but what about B vitamins?
Everyones talking about biotin which is B7, but I can't find any proof. Also they say that niacin may help. Any science backing this up please?
Thank you!

I know my low ferritin made my hair loss much worse sooner than it would have..i dont know about the other nutrients..I take biotin because it makes hair grow faster--not so much denser or thicker..just what you have grows quicker. So if you are using treatments it helps to see better results quicker.


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According to if you are deficient in b vitamins it can have a negative effect on skin, nails and hair.

So it's important to ensure you are not deficient. Check your diet, get a blood test and adjust your diet/supplement if something is needed.

It's also thought that taking large amounts of biotin (far more than the RDA) will increase the growth speed of your hair. There are no studies showing this to be the case though.


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Don't think it is permanent.

The only people who seem to have hair issues from vitamin deficiency's are people
who under go bariatric surgery. Most of them go bald, because their intestines
can't absorb nutrients.

True fact. Lisa Lampenelli.

It can be a very life threatening surgery. I've had loved ones almost die, one in a
coma for several months from this surgery.

I'm not going to go into details.

But it can affect someone's hair. Losing weight through bariatric surgery can be
very risky.


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The conventional wisdom is that biotin supplements can make hair grow faster, as hairblues mentioned. However, it is very rare that people in developed nations have a vitamin deficiency.

I would say biotin or a hair multivitamin won't hurt your hair quality, but if you are looking for increased density or thicker follicles all there is is finasteride and min.


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did a blood test: i'm quite low on folic acid and not so good with ferritin either. would folic acid improve hair?

"What level of serum ferritin to employ in subjects with increased hair shedding is yet to be definitively established but 70 lg ⁄ L, with a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (< 10 mm ⁄ h), is recommended."

mine is 55 only. no wonder i'm balding :D

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