Is There Any Way To Do Hormone Pills Without Getting Tits?


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I really want hormone pills on top of dht pills but don’t want gyno. I would actually prefer strongly to be less male too. Like less body hair and more hair etc.

Can I take hormone pills in low doses or something to get hair without risking gyno? What happens if I microdose them?


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You could try and see.... But 99% you are getting gyno even micro dosing.
You also say you want to be less male,
By this you mean you don't want male pattern baldness, chest hair or even facial hair.
Sure I could live without chest hair and having to shave facial hair every day but what man can accept tits, muscle loss, fat redistribution, erectile disfunction not me for sure.
By trying anti androgen like cyperone acetate, spironolactone, flutamide you are just trading 1 huge problem for potentially 2 or 3 more serious ones.


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Come and see. We have a thread for people who use everything and also for people who use everything they can without getting gyno. There are some success stories but I am not going to lie to you. It's very hard to regrow cosmetically significant amounts of hair without estrogen.


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If you are talking about oestrogen pills then there is no way of taking them without avoiding gyno. If you were to just take an anti androgen then CPA has by far the lowest incidence of gyno among all the AAs.


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If you are talking about oestrogen pills then there is no way of taking them without avoiding gyno. If you were to just take an anti androgen then CPA has by far the lowest incidence of gyno among all the AAs.

We have males using them on the exploring the hormonal life thread. I think that I have seen you there. They are extremely hampered by the gyno avoidance. We trans folks may have ways around this.


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Estrogen alone isn't really going to do sh*t for you though, unless you use it in such huge doses that it suppresses all your androgens systemically.

The #1 thing is and always will be reduction of androgen load. Which isn't necessarily easy to achieve because very few antiandrogens can effectively compete against DHT. Receptor degraders would be a much better solution. Let's say ARD-69 or the like. At that point even the natural estrogen that you have would probably be enough to give you very good regrowth over time.


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I mean, I take enough estrogen for full suppression. Those who cannot achieve this should add bicalutamide in the MtF context.