
Is there anything wrong? PHOTOS


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So I've been monitoring my hair since last year.

I have ZERO, NONE frontal recession, but I've noticed quite some scalp in the top of my head.


Those are just from a shower.

Also I've been, while not "shedding" in a compulsive way, noticing more hair in my hand while shampooing or getting rid of knots (I have fine hair (since all my life). This "shedding" started when I decided to keep long hair.



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How about when it is dry?

Looks fine to me, really.

Maybe you are only noticing the hair fall now that your hair is longer and harder to miss.

50-100 hairs lost per day is normal, so keep that in mind.


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Is there anything wrong?

Yeah, you're wasting time on a hair loss forum when you don't have hair loss. Go enjoy being a fullhead.


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Since your hair is longer you are noticing the hair you shed more. If you are showering everyday, I would say that losing 10-20 hairs in the shower is a normal range. Invest in a little hair drain cover to help you figure this out. However I don't think you have anything to worry about.


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Thanks for the replies guys.

Here are more photos with dry hair, and how I normally have it. Some pictures I think have flash and are a bit blurry. Sorry! It is difficult to take pictures like those.

I don't know. I still see something there.

What are your thoughts? Thanks for the replies!

Pray The Bald Away

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Here are more photos with dry hair, and how I normally have it. Some pictures I think have flash and are a bit blurry. Sorry! It is difficult to take pictures like those.

I don't know. I still see something there.

What are your thoughts? Thanks for the replies!
I believe you may have Diffuse Patterned Alopecia. Are you thinning on the sides and back as well?

Pray The Bald Away

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Not at all! Only in the crown/top area of my head. That's why I'm very confused...

- - - Updated - - -

Also no recession at all.
Thanks for the information. Well there's bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'm almost positive you have a form of male pattern baldness known as DPA. This means that the top of your head will go bald by thinning evenly. This tends to be an aggressive form of alopecia, so I would recommend immediate treatment. The good news is that this form of male pattern baldness is typically known to respond best to said treatments if you act quickly. You may be able to recovery all of your density.


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Thanks for the information. Well there's bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'm almost positive you have a form of male pattern baldness known as DPA. This means that the top of your head will go bald by thinning evenly. This tends to be an aggressive form of alopecia, so I would recommend immediate treatment. The good news is that this form of male pattern baldness is typically known to respond best to said treatments if you act quickly. You may be able to recovery all of your density.

And what kind of treatment? Propecia, rogaine, finasteride, minoxidil?

Pray The Bald Away

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- - - Updated - - -


Is it bad at my age?
First off, Propecia is the branded version finasteride, while Rogain is the branded version of minoxidil. Finasteride shouldn't be taken before 18 but often isn't prescribed until you are 19 or 20. This is because it carries the slight risk of significant sexual side effects. IF you want to keep your hair, this is the first line of defense. Minoxidil is only a growth stimulant, so it will essentially act as a band-aid for your hair. You want to do your research for both of these treatments because they are a big commitment. It's also worth noting that finasteride may stunt the growth of your beard if it isn't already developed.


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First off, Propecia is the branded version finasteride, while Rogain is the branded version of minoxidil. Finasteride shouldn't be taken before 18 but often isn't prescribed until you are 19 or 20. This is because it carries the slight risk of significant sexual side effects. IF you want to keep your hair, this is the first line of defense. Minoxidil is only a growth stimulant, so it will essentially act as a band-aid for your hair. You want to do your research for both of these treatments because they are a big commitment. It's also worth noting that finasteride may stunt the growth of your beard if it isn't already developed.

Thank you for the information.


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Looks like the very early signs of male pattern baldness, good new is you've caught it early soyou can likely easily retain what you have


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Male :) So, watcha think?

Ok good, I was confused since you dont have recession which I think that most of the women with hair loss also don't have but on crown
And yeah start on finasteride for a year to see if you get results, if not add along with minoxidil
You are planning to add ketoconazole shampoo too? Whats your current shampoo you're using?


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Ok good, I was confused since you dont have recession which I think that most of the women with hair loss also don't have but on crown
And yeah start on finasteride for a year to see if you get results, if not add along with minoxidil
You are planning to add ketoconazole shampoo too? Whats your current shampoo you're using?

I tried several times to reply but there was like an error on the system. Anyways...

He, I'm not on any treatment right now. I ignore what type of shampoo is that. Using just regular ones. I will consider a treatment but I'm still unsure if I'm actually "balding". I might be on denial, tho. Does it looks really bad? Also, I'm a bit scared of using drugs atm, while reading some posts in here, my balls started to hurt :S