Is there benefit to mixing Propecia with my minoxidil?


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I can't tolerate Propecia orally, but I wondered if anyone has experience of using it topically, for instance mixing it with Minoxidil?

All help gratefully received


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y cant u tolerate it orally? u shud give it time to see if the sides persists. u never know. and itl also be worth it in the very long run.


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Got early signs of developing tits (i am not overweight at all) and had sexual dysfuction (all within 2 months)...hence intolerance!


Senior Member
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Well, that definately constitutes intolerance!

Check out the "get the benefits of propecia without the side effects" and "here's one of the topical finasteride studies!" threads, in the experimental section. Studies on topical finasteride are "all over the place" (Old Baldy) - some show it works, some show it doesn't, some show it works simply through systematic absorbtion (ie just like taking it orally)

You can try adding it to your minoxidil perhaps, and if you don't get the sides anymore at least it's not being systematically absorbed.

I'd also look into a topical antiandrogen.

Old Baldy

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Felk said:
Well, that definately constitutes intolerance!

Check out the "get the benefits of propecia without the side effects" and "here's one of the topical finasteride studies!" threads, in the experimental section. Studies on topical finasteride are "all over the place" (Old Baldy) - some show it works, some show it doesn't, some show it works simply through systematic absorbtion (ie just like taking it orally)

You can try adding it to your minoxidil perhaps, and if you don't get the sides anymore at least it's not being systematically absorbed.

I'd also look into a topical antiandrogen.

Bryan made those statements by reading the studies years before I did. I agree with those previous conclusions made by Bryan. The studies really are all over the place.

I also agree with Bryan that, pretty much without question, some of the finasteride./dutasteride. topical will penetrate into our blood system and work systemically.

Some does get directly into the follicles though. Hopefully, that small amount has a direct effect and the amount getting into our systems has minimal side effects.

The key word in the above paragraph is "hopefully".

Also, a new study (posted by Plat) indicates finasteride./dutasteride. do not promote high grade prostate cancer. That should be VERY important to all of us.

Like Bryan says, "I hope they're right". I guess no one knows for sure but that new study is really GOOD NEWS.

However, once again, the key word is "hope".

I forget how that old saying goes but it starts like this: "Ya takes your chances.......?"


Established Member
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I had wondered about that also, for example, if one just mixed, say, 10mg of finasteride into their one-month supply of minoxidil, would that work?

1) Would it more successfully go straight into and more directly affect the folicles?

2) Would systematic absorption be lessened?

I have been on finasteride now, over 1.5 years. Very fit, but noticing slight breast enlargement (particularly my left one, near the heart, which is typical). I have gained more mass overall, in the last couple years, but have to wonder if finasteride played a part.

Never been a big alarmist (notice my lack of posts on here and their nature) but I have observed it closely for a couple months and I am convinced now, that I have some gyno.

No sexual sides to speak of, some more acne and that's about it. All is well, otherwise.

Curious if a topical blend would suffice and perhaps limit the systematic absorption.


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Warning, topical finasteride only works where you apply it. Good news: twice daily applications mean you don't need as much in each application since 5ar2 takes at least 3-4 days to get back up again.

I think finasteride takes one to at most 3 hours to complex with 5ar2 to a satisfactory amount, at least from blood measurements. In the follicle it may be faster. Either way, you need a vehicle that will deliver finasteride to the scalp for at least an hour, but not too much, if you want to do it one shot. The bi daily amounts might get around this.

it is hit or miss and you will find out when you loose some hair or regrow it in several months unless you plan it right.


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Your gyno sounds like a worry...mine too was worse in the left. Readin other people's messages it seems like 10mg is a bit much for someone who has this sensitivity...I'm going to give it a go with 5mg but in all honesty the first sign of breast enlargement and I'll stop....gyno is ofetn noit reversible, I got lucky last time and might not get so lucky again.

I'll post again to give an assessment on progress or otherwise.

Be lucky


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As far as my gyno, I have always been in very good shape, but I recently have put on more bulk muslce (and fat). After I got on Propecia, a couple months later, I was getting huge, probably from the surge in Test.

Anyhow, my gyno might not be propecia (directly) related. Maybe somewhat from the increased weight, but I don't have the "lump", just the excess fatty tissues.

I was up to 195 last month (mostly muscle, but some fat too, around the waiste, and, well, apparently the nips, LOL).

Now I am 181 lbs. For years I floated around 165 to 175. (5'9) So, I am going to get down to 170 I think and re-evaluate.

I have quit propecia. I look fine with shaved head, but while I was enjoying the hair, I'd rather be bald than have boobs.

I ordered Nolvadex (generic) from the same site I bought Fincar from. The irony is not lost on me. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is suppsed to reduce the estrogen receptors ability to latch on and increase the glands.

Been on DIM for four years (400 mgs a day) because I have RRP (recurrent respiratory papilloma...been in remission for about four years, now, no issues or big deal).

How did you get rid of your gyno? Time?