Is There Hope? I'm Not Even Sure Anymore.


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Alright. Just to start, I understand that I am pretty far along. Yes. I'm 23 and I've been losing my hair since I was around 14. It has been so long that I'm not even sure where my actual hairline is supposed to be... But I'm pretty sure it was never that great even to begin with due to my f*****g massive head/forehead.

I'm not necessarily looking for a "back to normal" look, but rather a "able to take my hat off without feeling absolutely disgusted with myself" look. My donor section is incredibly thick though... And I was wondering if surgery would be worth my time. I'm not opposed to drugs, it has just been recommended to me with my advancing baldness to either go for something larger or just quit trying all together. Which depresses the f*** out of me, but I'll just stick to wearing a hat if it comes to it.

And before it's mentioned, no I can't rock the bald look. My head is enormous and weirdly shaped.

Big L

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You should of got on finasteride or at least tried it when you were younger, if you didn't get sides you'd have quite a bit less loss I reckon.
No hair transplant doctor will give you a hair transplant at your age with your aggressive hair loss unless you've been on finasteride and that has stabilised your loss for a year or something.
So if I was in your boat, I'd go to a doctor ASAP, get a prescription for finasteride and also see if Minoxidil does anything for you. Assess after a few months and take some photos to see if you've continued to loss ground or maintained.

After that, if the hair loss has slowed or halted then go and see a hair transplant doctor and do something about it.


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Im sorry to hear this bro, i too started losing at 14 (im 20 now) and a norwood 2.5, you seem like a 3.5 which i will probably be at your age if things dont turn around. If you are that self conscious about your hairloss you need to get on treatments ASAP. Get on finasteride 1mg and oral minoxidil (loniten) 5mg twice a day. these meds carry side effects for a very small population of people, your chances of success are way higher. You could get back a good bit of your hairline without surgery! The longer you wait the balder you get so dont delay! You can get these meds from reputable vendors like Alldaychemist and inhousepharmacy without a perscription. I pray for your success, goodluck.


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Awesome thanks for the info guys! I've already booked a doctor appointment to get some finasteride, it's going to be a couple weeks though. But I think I can wait that long.

The only thing I'm worried about is brain fog and impotence. I just started reading up on this stuff and it seems like they're both fairly common sides?

Big L

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Awesome thanks for the info guys! I've already booked a doctor appointment to get some finasteride, it's going to be a couple weeks though. But I think I can wait that long.

The only thing I'm worried about is brain fog and impotence. I just started reading up on this stuff and it seems like they're both fairly common sides?
I'm 1 year older than you and I've been on finasteride for almost 3 years. Do you really think a pill which is taken by I'm betting sh*t loads of men to slow/halt hair loss would be taken by as many of them if the % was high to get impotency and erectile dysfunction? The chances of getting impotency is f*****g low man, the longer you wait and stall getting on the medication the worse your hair loss is going to get. And leaving it longer makes future potential hair transplants more costly, use more of your donor because you weren't on finasteride earlier.

Regardless of whether or not you want to take finasteride or not, no ethical hair transplant doctor will give you a hair transplant at your age unless you've slowed/stabilised on finasteride.

I'm not going to lie to you sometimes I get brain fog in the mornings and sometimes get watery semen, but besides that I've had nothing like that. Your better off trying than not trying and letting your hair loss get worse. At least if you try finasteride and you do get sides (which you won't), you can always get off it. But its f*****g hard to reverse hair loss so just do it.


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your crown is still intact and you have a beautiful donor region. you are a great transplant candidate assuming you have stabilized. i know lots of nw3-4 dudes who lost their hair line and that's it, hair loss stopped there. perfect candidates.

if you're still thinning and headed toward nw7 territory, then no. that's something only you can know. see where it is in a year. i hope you're able to live a meaningful life the way you are.


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Awesome thanks for the info guys! I've already booked a doctor appointment to get some finasteride, it's going to be a couple weeks though. But I think I can wait that long.

The only thing I'm worried about is brain fog and impotence. I just started reading up on this stuff and it seems like they're both fairly common sides?
Dont worry about side effects, if you get them they will go away eventually with continued use or quickly with discontinuation of the drug. You must get on finasteride ASAP. If you are going to use minoxidil go the oral route. Topical minoxidil is only about a 30% success rate, oral is double that maybe more. Also if you have extra cash to splash get on RU 58841 from or kaneshop. It works just like finasteride but it is a topical treatment. Combine all 3 and i wager you can get back to a norwood 3, maybe a norwood 2.5, then you can get a transplant and have a full head of hair again!