IS there really a cure?


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I noticed that when people go through hair transplant surgery, they're usually told to keep using propecia or some such for the rest of their lives. Does this mean that there IS no permanent cure? I mean, theoretically, if I were richer than Bill Gates, would there be anything I could do that didn't involve munching pills for the rest of my life? I had hoped that with hair transplants, I wouldn't need to use the pills any more, but that's not what I was told here. Just making sure I got it right.


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Hehe, not richer than Bill Gates, no, but pretty well off. Otherwise I wouldn't even be considering a transplant in the first place. But if a person gets a small (therefore less expensive) transplant, waits a few years until it starts to become a problem again, gets a new, small transplant and so forth, wouldn't that be a permanent solution in the end? And considering that propecia pills cost $2 per pill where I live, it might actually end up paying off in the long run. Also, where can I read more about this hair cloning thing? Is anyone actually doing it yet?


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I do not believe there will the a cure to hair loss. I think there will be better drugs out there and better hair transplanet but no cure. Cloning hair will be the next big thing from Propecia. There are may stuff out there today that can keep your hair for 10 years plus that was not possible 40 years ago.


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Your opinion has been noted. However, I failed to see any argumentation for or against what I had suggested. This is a big step for me, and I want to make sure I don't fudge things up. Asking the doctor is fine, but you guys seem to know alot too (collectively), therefore I appreciate any feedback you may give me.


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Would it be possible for me to buy these pills from you guys? I'm simply not paying the outrageous fees my doctor demands for pills again. And I won't be going to the US for a few months yet. Or maybe there's an online store for it somewhere?