Is There Really Going To Be A Cure In The Near Future?


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I keep seeing and reading about how some doctors say there will be a cure by 2020, like the stem cell duplication thing and so on (which isn't really a cure).
but is there really going to be one? or is it all bollocks?
I personally don't believe there will be a solution for hair loss anytime soon, not in the upcoming few decades at least, if not longer, you can say I'm pessimistic, but I just can't see it happening, the big corporations that rule the hair loss products industry like propecia, etc, will do everything they can so there is no cure, imagine someone comes up with a definite cure for hairloss, it will destroy all those corporations.

all the people that benefit from this disease will do everything they can to delay a cure.

Amanda Brussels

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Hi Hairon i agree with you that it will take some time a solution for hair loss soon, I've been reading articles and blogs about hair loss too,the only thing I notice big time companies offer a promising products etc. With the stem cell topics my friend introduce me a product but Im not sure if its really effective.
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As far as I know Propecia was considered a flop by Merck. And the patent is up anyway.

I don't think Big Pharma or some sort of conspiracy is the problem.

Cultural Pete

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I remember reading back in 2007 that a miracle stem cell cure was five years away. Still waiting....

Anyways, I think finasteride and minoxodil work well enough for most people that advancements have been slowed (not as much demand as there would be without them). Just a guess; I have no understanding of the science.


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Is 5 years "near future-y" enough for you? Cuz' that's how long it will be. Write it down and put it under your pillow, put it on your calendar, whatever, but mark my words, in 5 years we're going to have salvation!


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I will be very surprised if there is indeed a "cure". We have been hearing about hair multiplication for the longest time now, and nothing has come to fruition. They were saying 10-15 years ago that it would be here by now. I think a person's best hope is to try the big 3, and find a reputable and ethical surgeon to have a procedure with. My reasoning regarding this is because this industry parallels the pharmaceutical one. There is too much money and too many interests involved to find a "cure". Would ruin too many people's bottom line.

big 3 are not a cure, it's like taking a slow paced poison, especially finasteride. it doesn't work on everyone anyway, and on some the effects are very minimal, on others it only gives them several more years before it stops working.
not worth the side effects.