
Is This A Nw6 Or Nw7 Hair Loss Pattern?


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See pics attached of the top, right and back. Is this a NW6 or a NW7 pattern? How do I know how far the sides will drop and whether I am suitable for a FUE procedure? Thanks. back.jpg right.jpg top1.jpg


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Get on finasteride or dutasteride to get your hair loss in check before thinking about a fue. Stay on meds for a year then see where your at. As far as your pattern not sure.


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how old are u?

its nw6 forming now, but it could go further

and for the life of me, SHAVE IT MAN

dark skinned guys dont even need to get a hair transplant, having it buzzed/shaved is a good look even if your balding. its sociably acceptable and looks good because you dark skin. white guys it looks bad and you look like a thug.


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It really doesn't look like they did 1500 grafts in the back... or 2000 grafts overall to be honest. hat do you guys think?

how old are u?

its nw6 forming now, but it could go further

and for the life of me, SHAVE IT MAN

dark skinned guys dont even need to get a hair transplant, having it buzzed/shaved is a good look even if your balding. its sociably acceptable and looks good because you dark skin. white guys it looks bad and you look like a thug.

I'm 26. My skin is not so dark; it's sort of yellow. The scalp easily shines through on the top. I like it cut close and I only grew it out so that I could take pics for hair transplant consultations. I'm going to go to the barbershop soon and, after that, I'll buy clippers to cut it myself. The problem is that, if I take it to a 1 or shorter, the hairline becomes almost invisible. But, with a 2 or longer on top, the hairs look 'weak' because my natural hair type is fine. And, it makes me look like a thug regardless because I have a naturally angry/tough face.


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keep it short man, those weak hairs make you look 100 TIMES worse.

i dunno what you can do about the colour of your skin, maybe taking some sort of vitamins/supplements could help.

either way, look into meds, try them for a year and see where you are. in the meantime, buzz it, and do your research

Agustin Araujo

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A Norwood 6 pattern is what you have.

If you're not on any treatment, I recommend to see your doctor and have them write you a prescription for Finasteride, or Dutasteride preferably if you're able to considering that your hair loss is aggressive. If your hair loss at least becomes mostly stabilized, I suggest to incorporate Minoxidil afterwards in order to promote any possible hair regrowth.


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LOL I have exactly same skull, same hair and same hairloss pattern!

Albeit I am a bit younger and isn't so progressed (NW4 now) but it goes from vertex and top very fast last month...


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Btw you are similar to me not a good candidate to hair transplant due to recessed sides (above the ears) and donor area is quite weak.

Retrograde alopecia + Androgenetic Alopecia + diffuse we have

I hopped on finasteride a week ago hope it will help


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LOL I have exactly same skull, same hair and same hairloss pattern!

Albeit I am a bit younger and isn't so progressed (NW4 now) but it goes from vertex and top very fast last month...

Btw you are similar to me not a good candidate to hair transplant due to recessed sides (above the ears) and donor area is quite weak.

Retrograde alopecia + Androgenetic Alopecia + diffuse we have

I hopped on finasteride a week ago hope it will help

What causes the retrogade alopecia? Can that be fixed by diet, sleep and the usual junk that is suggested?

Aren't you worried about the side effects of finasteride? I thought that, for guys with aggressive hair loss, the hair loss will eventually overcome the finasteride treatment, rendering it not so useful. On the other hand, if you get a finasteride side effect, it could last forever. I tried minoxidil but it gave me heart palpitations, shortness of breath, blood pressure issues. I'm going to try 2% but it doesn't look good for me.


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What causes the retrogade alopecia? Can that be fixed by diet, sleep and the usual junk that is suggested?

Aren't you worried about the side effects of finasteride? I thought that, for guys with aggressive hair loss, the hair loss will eventually overcome the finasteride treatment, rendering it not so useful. On the other hand, if you get a finasteride side effect, it could last forever. I tried minoxidil but it gave me heart palpitations, shortness of breath, blood pressure issues. I'm going to try 2% but it doesn't look good for me.

As I know retrograde alopecia has no cure. And no one knows what causes it. @shookwun has it as well I hope he will aware us about that type of decease.

Regarding side effects.

Yes I worried. BUT when I saw my scalp with density receded by 40% I rushed to the pharmacy and brought finasteride ASAP.

So far (one week ED 1.25mg) I do not have any significant sides.

I read on propeciahelp how guys were getting sides after one pill with 0.25mg ONE HOUR AFTER they eat the first pill. I doubt it is real tbh. Anyway vast majority of sides will disappear after you drop finasteride.

On other hand I know that NW6 is permanent disfigurement and last forever.

You chose.


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As I know retrograde alopecia has no cure. And no one knows what causes it. @shookwun has it as well I hope he will aware us about that type of decease.

Regarding side effects.

Yes I worried. BUT when I saw my scalp with density receded by 40% I rushed to the pharmacy and brought finasteride ASAP.

So far (one week ED 1.25mg) I do not have any significant sides.

I read on propeciahelp how guys were getting sides after one pill with 0.25mg ONE HOUR AFTER they eat the first pill. I doubt it is real tbh. Anyway vast majority of sides will disappear after you drop finasteride.

On other hand I know that NW6 is permanent disfigurement and last forever.

You chose.

What about that Youtube guy who had the sides for life? Even HRT didn't fix him. Or the guys who don't get a side until they miss a tablet and then, bam, PFS for life. There are even the guys who get sides a few months in. But, if you make it to 1 year with no sides, then it seems you're safe. Even if you get sides in the future, they would be the kind that disappear when you discontinue.

In 10 years, we'll be 36 or whatever. A NW6 at that age is perfectly normal and acceptable. Above the age of 40, it's not considered a disfigurement. A man over 40 with a shaved head sometimes looks more youthful. So, I don't feel like taking the risk if it would only buy me 5 years (after which, I could live with a NW6). We've been exceedingly unlucky; not only do we start losing hair in our twenties, but we get thinning rather than a thick, lush NW2 or NW3 that most guys on here have. I thought that I would have bad luck with finasteride too. On the other hand, I hope that things go well for you. I hope that you safely maintain for a few years with finasteride and then a good future treatment comes along. That would really prove me wrong.


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What about that Youtube guy who had the sides for life? Even HRT didn't fix him. Or the guys who don't get a side until they miss a tablet and then, bam, PFS for life. There are even the guys who get sides a few months in. But, if you make it to 1 year with no sides, then it seems you're safe. Even if you get sides in the future, they would be the kind that disappear when you discontinue.

In 10 years, we'll be 36 or whatever. A NW6 at that age is perfectly normal and acceptable. Above the age of 40, it's not considered a disfigurement. A man over 40 with a shaved head sometimes looks more youthful. So, I don't feel like taking the risk if it would only buy me 5 years (after which, I could live with a NW6). We've been exceedingly unlucky; not only do we start losing hair in our twenties, but we get thinning rather than a thick, lush NW2 or NW3 that most guys on here have. I thought that I would have bad luck with finasteride too. On the other hand, I hope that things go well for you. I hope that you safely maintain for a few years with finasteride and then a good future treatment comes along. That would really prove me wrong.

That people who had sides make a lot of noise. That is why it seems like severe sides are common.

At 36 NW2.5-3 is acceptable there are still a lot of fullheads. NW6 is still disfigurement.


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On a table opposite me at the bar yesterday I saw a group of fullheads in their late 30's to early 40s. Honestly they all looked so much better for it and a couple of the guys were handsome. I am sure dating people their age is no problem and even younger, it will be possible. Actually scrap dating, they still had that presence and aura. Something hair loss takes away from you, the ability to age gracefully.



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Btw you are similar to me not a good candidate to hair transplant due to recessed sides (above the ears) and donor area is quite weak.

Retrograde alopecia + Androgenetic Alopecia + diffuse we have

I hopped on finasteride a week ago hope it will help

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure.

To be a good candidate for a hair transplant, doesn't there have to be good density on sides/back?


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On a table opposite me at the bar yesterday I saw a group of fullheads in their late 30's to early 40s. Honestly they all looked so much better for it and a couple of the guys were handsome. I am sure dating people their age is no problem and even younger, it will be possible. Actually scrap dating, they still had that presence and aura. Something hair loss takes away from you, the ability to age gracefully.

Were they all full heads? That's really rare, in late thirties/fourties (at least I thought).

It seems that out of ten men, usually by that age, only two, (three max) will have
a full head of hair.

Could it be they just had good hair transplants? A lot of guys buzz their hair really short,
and sometimes it can be obvious..


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As I know retrograde alopecia has no cure. And no one knows what causes it. @shookwun has it as well I hope he will aware us about that type of decease.

Regarding side effects.

Yes I worried. BUT when I saw my scalp with density receded by 40% I rushed to the pharmacy and brought finasteride ASAP.

So far (one week ED 1.25mg) I do not have any significant sides.

I read on propeciahelp how guys were getting sides after one pill with 0.25mg ONE HOUR AFTER they eat the first pill. I doubt it is real tbh. Anyway vast majority of sides will disappear after you drop finasteride.

On other hand I know that NW6 is permanent disfigurement and last forever.

You chose.

Finasteride does nothing for retrograde alopecia.

Most people who have retro will experience it around the neck, nape and on the bottom of your sides along the ear.


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I have retrograde alopecia, and it actually didn't start until I started taking finasteride. No way to know if it was related.

The good thing is that in most cases retrograde alopecia doesn't progress to slick bald. If you look at middle aged men you will see it's not that unusual, and most people won't even notice it.

Still sucks though...


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retrograde could be down to having overall low T levels, and general unhealthyness/ sh*t body function. I had great hair on back and sides in 2013 when I had a blood test my t was 17/18 now this years with thinning hair and general ffeeling like crap t has dropped to 13.1 nmol equivalent to that of a 75 year old man.

and what happens to hair as you age, it thins and subsequently t levels decline.