Is this a shed or did I ruin my progress


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So a little backstory: I've been on finasteride for about 4 months and was on minoxidil for 2 months stopped for 1 month and started back up again. First three months of finasteride I was on 1 mg finasteride but after the three months I convinced my GP to prescribe me 5 mg finasteride so I can cut it. Although when I asked him he said the 5 mg pills aren't supposed to be cut and it might ruin my progress ( my GP doesn't benefit more or less if he prescribes me more expensive medicine ) I thought about it and even posted a thread on this forum asking if his concerns were in place. Many people said no the 5 mg can be cut and so many people do it. My progress on finasteride has been tremendous, the top of my head used to be very visible but ever since starting treatment my hair has been great. I even was having lunch with a female and male classmate and the female classmate was looking around and said I wonder who's all going to be bald in the foreseeable future, and the male classmate proceeded to say that him and I would never go bald seeing as we have such thick hair, him having thick straight hair and me having thick curly hair. This made me feel good seeing as I thought i'd be bald in a year or so about 4 months ago. So I've been taking the 5 mg pills cut up in 1/4 for the past month and lately noticed a tiny bit more hairs falling out and before I would not have "difficulty" maintaing erection but it felt different I don't know if this is in my head or not. But past couple of days getting them and maintaining them has felt different than when I were on the 1mg. So my question is should I go back to the 1 mg finasteride or should I stay on the 5 mg?
The 5mg finasteride I'm on right now is finasteride aurobindo and when searched up online it specifically says these pills aren't meant to be broken.


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You are likely going through a shed, so your hair is NOT ruined. As for the slight erection issue, I didn't have any noticeable side effects until about 5 months in, as a lot of people experience. I can get an erection, but only when I want to, and it is a bit harder to maintain it, but who cares? If it's bothering you try doing some PE exercises like jelqing and kegels/reverse kegels to increase your erection quality. You might suprise yourself and gain something from it as well.

If it's really bothering you, look into zinc, DIM, and green tea, which can help balance out your hormone levels and relieve some of the sides if you get any you don't like. Also, just know that taking finasteride might be temporary as there could very well be better alternatives coming out in the near future. Your goal right now should be to maintain until they do arrive.


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The erection issue isn't there it's just different from when I was on the 1mg finasteride, I can get and maintain the erections but they just feel different(in a positive way). I thought this change was due to me switching up meds and the DHT levels slowly going up in my body. Main point I'm trying to make is that I'm worried the 5mg pills cut into 1/4 aren't doing their job because they are being dissolved by my stomach acids.


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I cut 1mg pills into fourths, and they're working for me, so I don't think cutting them up is an issue. Could this just be in your head? If not, why not just take the 5mg until you can get on 1mg again?


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The reason I'm on the 5 mg on fourths is cause of the price. But yea it might just be in my head. However I'm thinking maybe pills from the Netherlands differ from for example NA. Do 5 mg pills you guys have also have a coating around them?