
Is this a sign of balding ? forgot to put pic on other thread


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Hi im 17 yrs old male , Is this the sign of baldness or just a bad shampoo ? or its because Im using the headphones very often? Please help im very scared . My hair is naturally thin and Im using Tresemme Keratin Smooth now is that bad? and when I scratch my scalp there is a white thing under my nails is that the reason too? I only wash my hair once a week cuz . I only notice it 1 month ago so i buzz cut my hair to see it clearly . Omg im freaking out is this cureable :(

Sorry for bad english . Thanks in advanced



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I'm sorry to tell you this kid, but it does look like vertex thinning, a characteristic of male pattern baldness.... 17 is exceptionally young for male pattern baldness to begin though.. I wonder could there be another cause? Telogen effluvium? Have you seen a hair loss doctor or dermaologist? Go see one ASAP! When you scratch your scalp, the white stuff under your nails is probably dandruff, skin scales.

I hope it isn't male pattern baldness, but if it is, then your options are very limited at this age, few doctors would prescribe finasteride to a 17 year old... This means (assuming it is male pattern baldness) that you will have to rely on topicals, topical spironolactone, take saw palmetto, use nizoral. Google androgen receptor blockers, they're safe at your age. You may be able to get a prescription for finasteride when you're 18 or 19


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Supposedly damaged hair will sink, healthy hair won't, but I don't think that's very relevant here. Your hair isn't damaged, it's just thin, so the water test isn't relevant. Sometimes hairloss can be cause by ill health. My advice is to take multivitamins, Iron supplements, get regular exercise and sunlight, try to sleep at least 8 hours a night, and get on some topical treatments. While you may be too young for finasteride, you're not too young for minoxidil, and spironolacetone is safe, as is saw palmetto. When you're 18 or 19, then get on finasteride IF you have male pattern baldness... But PLEASE go see a doctor, it may not be male pattern baldness, at your age I think that there may be something else causing hair loss, and no, masturbation and head phones don't cause hairloss. You should probably shower more than once a week. Every second day maybe? I shower every day, and wash my hair every second day.


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excessive masturbation can exacerbate hairloss (i.e. more than once a day).


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My hair looks now wet , wet w/ flash and dry . I wanna ask if it become bad more as the previous photo i have attached


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Yeah seems like you have some thinning at the top of your head. Most people use Minoxidil for this issue but you are still at the beginning stages if you have male patterned baldness. Contact your dermatologist to find out what's going on. If it is patterned balding, I would stick to a sulfate free shampoo with an ingredient called Ketoconazole. Ketoconazole comes in 1% over the counter and 2% prescribed. Try out the 1% first just to see how your hair reacts to it. I used this for my thinning vertex and receding hair line along with other natural treatments. Shampoo every other day and use a thickening shampoo after. This may help but one thing you have to understand about balding is that it is indeed a trial and error process and what works for one person may not work for others. Good luck!