Is this Compensation?


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Young guy going bald (past a NW2) in the process of getting built. Now i'm doing this partially because i know its going to be inevitable for me to start shaving within the next 5 years, i tried it a year ago and it didn't look horrible, but i was just too damn skinny to pull it off naw mean? I had a long neck and generally skinny body which is the last thing you want when you're going to shave your head. I put on about 15 kg in a little over a year and im looking meaner than ever. Like im drawn to lifting and nutrition because i know its healthy, but in the back of my mind, i just want to look more 'presentable' and being a bald pale string bean isnt very easy on the eyes. Im not in any hurry and i really enjoy this hobby, i'm actually sort of glad that i was upset with my appearnence enough to do something about it, you know?

Now whether this is indeed labeled compensation or not doesn't really bother me, but i just wanted to hear some opinions of you guys on the subject.


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I think you answered your own question.


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My opinion?! change your sig... i dont have to see the finger every time you post som' :shakehead:


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barcafan said:
Young guy going bald (past a NW2) in the process of getting built. Now i'm doing this partially because i know its going to be inevitable for me to start shaving within the next 5 years, i tried it a year ago and it didn't look horrible, but i was just too damn skinny to pull it off naw mean? I had a long neck and generally skinny body which is the last thing you want when you're going to shave your head. I put on about 15 kg in a little over a year and im looking meaner than ever. Like im drawn to lifting and nutrition because i know its healthy, but in the back of my mind, i just want to look more 'presentable' and being a bald pale string bean isnt very easy on the eyes. Im not in any hurry and i really enjoy this hobby, i'm actually sort of glad that i was upset with my appearnence enough to do something about it, you know?

Now whether this is indeed labeled compensation or not doesn't really bother me, but i just wanted to hear some opinions of you guys on the subject.

Compensation is buying a sports car. Working out is bettering yourself, regardless of the motivations.


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Definitely not compensation... believe it or not, even balding people have a right to take care of their bodies.


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Just ask yourself if you had a NW1 would you be so into getting jacked?


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I had a year stint when i was about 15 working out like crazy, before any hairloss. I was always on the skinny side. I dunno. I just know that being skinny and bald really doesnt look great (for me anyway)


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s.a.f said:
Just ask yourself if you had a NW1 would you be so into getting jacked?

I'm not into getting jacked now either. I just go to gym and work out, like so many other ppl do. I think I have a right to do that. I also do cardio, is that allowed for baldies?


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ghg said:
s.a.f said:
Just ask yourself if you had a NW1 would you be so into getting jacked?

I'm not into getting jacked now either. I just go to gym and work out, like so many other ppl do. I think I have a right to do that. I also do cardio, is that allowed for baldies?

I was talking to the original poster.

Ps are you still considering yourself as one of the baldies?


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Yes I am considering myself as a baldie. Got a problem with that?

Although this forum has really opened my eyes... I have learned so much here. The kind and helplful people here have thought me a lot about myself. I don't for example have male pattern baldness or skin problems, which is a relief to know. All this time worrying about nothing...

And oh yeah, last but not least. I really thought you answered to me earlier since you had already answered to barcaguy and your post was directly after mine without a quote whatsoever. Sorry if I was wrong.


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I feel the same way dude. Im a young guy and have baldness from both sides of the family. I know with current treatments its more than likely I'll be forced to shave before I'm 30. I use this as motivation for working out. If I have to be a bald guy, im gonna be a f*****g badass bald guy. If you can get a nice figure and keep tan all year round, being bald dosen't look SO bad. This will get me through life at least till some short of treatment is discovered.


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Yh guys, I definitely agree.

I am 20, prob in the region of an NW2. My male pattern baldness definitly motivates me to take better care of my body.

I was skiing in Europe last week, I saw a lot of good looking bald guys, quite tanned, with hot girlfriends. It just helped me to realise that if we are going bald, then the next step is to start to concentrate on our physice as a whole, and if possible getting a tan.

I feel so much happier in general about male pattern baldness then I have done over the last year or so. I feel I am a lot more accepting of it, it doesnt bother me that much now, I think I will still be attractive with hair or not.

I like to concentrate on healthy eating, and playing football, and being outside in the sun a lot.


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hey barca just curious what your average calorie intake is daily? do you really force feed yourself, and like make sure you eat every hour or something? i've tried to bulk up too but eating 4 or 5,000 calories a day is like a full time job!


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Dude go for it, it really can't hurt. Not only will it make you more attractive but your confidence will go threw the roof!
That being said don't bulk up to much, mosts girls like alittle muscle, ALL girls like a 6 pack, so don't put all your focus on bulking.

uncomfortable man

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Getting huge is not the answer. I'm skinny too Barca but I think core strength is more important than mass. Tone and definition are what women find sexy and yes a six pack helps alot (if you happen to walk around without a shirt on). Just being at a point where you can take down the average nw1 who talks sh*t is the real reward. :innocent:


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treeshrew said:
hey barca just curious what your average calorie intake is daily? do you really force feed yourself, and like make sure you eat every hour or something? i've tried to bulk up too but eating 4 or 5,000 calories a day is like a full time job!

it sucks. you stop tasting food. you stop bothering to flavor it. you just put the chicken in your mouth, pour in water, and swallow.

i did the same thing when my male pattern baldness really hit me, worked out until i got huge. it didn't make me feel better about my hairloss, but no way i'd ever be bald AND skinny. i guess that does sound like compensation.


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Uman's right, its not neccacirly about being massive or bulky that attracts woman, I think all that was especially part of the 80's and 90's arnold swasneger type body building, where it was at its peak popularity. I guess it may be different around different parts of the world though? In England, being bulky doesn't really carry such a wow/sex factor, perhaps in America this look is still well regarded by woman, not that it isn't here, its just not the be all and end all when it comes to body.

I think woman generally like a guy who has a chiselled body, who is well defined and musculur but not nessecarily over the top. I myself am very lean, not quite skinny, but this enables to me to work out and get results fairly easily, as I dont have much fat on my body. I go for a more bruce lee look, very slim but very well defined and strong looking, also like thai kick boxers, or lightweight boxers.