Is this normal or a shed?


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I've been on finasteride for 6 months. After 3 months I began noticing hair on my pillow and on my hands in the shower. Ironically, this is about the time I started looking for it. I take a flashlight to my pillow every morning looking for it (turned into a habit). Normally there's only about 10-15 hairs on my pillow each morning, 20 max. I notice maybe 3 hairs on my hands in the shower.

So is this shedding or is it normal? Do you think it may stop? Has anyone been on finasteride for at least a year that still sees hair on their pillow? Thanks.

Man in Space

Experienced Member
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Just a word a of advice dude and I mean this in the most non offensive way possible, when your taking a flashlight to your pillow each morning you have to ask yourself what your doing with your life.

When it comes to shedding hairs, you will know about it, if you have to go looking for them then thats a pretty good sign. I see guys on these forums loosing bundles of hundreds of hairs per day, sounds like your all good


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This is copied from Dougies success story under the success story section and may give you, some relief:

"On finasteride...
The first 3 months were hell, but I kept my hair
real long. I know I shed like a banshee though.
Months 3-6 nothing really happened. Months
6-9 I had a horrible shed, but stuff started
growing toward the end as there was no change
in the way my hair looked. Then, months 10-12
things were awesome, I could start spiking my
hair up again which was sweet. Months 12-14 I
would say were pretty bad, I shed huge and my
spot which was bad, the area right up in the
front on my hairline, was ridiculously thin.
Month 15 or so everything picked up and my
hair has been that way since.
I would say the worst months were 6-9 and I
am currently in the best months. My ex chick
said my hair is way thicker than before and so
did my father who told me that he thought I
was losing my hair but and wanted to know
what happened.
Oh, I am a diffuse thinner and it worked equally
well everywhere.
The best part is, I more thanlikely would have
just stopped using it after 9 months because at
that time it didn't look significantly different. A
combination of not cutting my hair til after 9
months and knowing from this website that I
would need to wait out the sheds kept me going
on it.
Oh, I got my fincar from inhousepharmacy I
I have a pic, but I don't really want to host it
anywhere. If I could just upload it here I would."

So as you can see it takes time and patience. Ive been on finasteride for seven months and not expecting anything for another 5 months at my 1 year point. Quiting gaurantees continued hair loss and staying on finasteride can only help it.