Is this normal? (two months post surgery) Pictures Included


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I had a hair transplant two months ago with Dr Feriduni and as of yet most of the grafts have not fallen out. Virtually everything I have read regarding hair transplants has said that the grafts fall out after a couple of weeks and yet two months later they are still there. Some grafts dont appear to have grown and others have grown a little, Is this normal? Also is it safe to use a concealer such as topic over the graft area?


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Re: Is this normal? (two months post surgery)

I was very very impressed by the work and professionalism of Dr Feriduni, they couldnt have the made the whole process any easier and I would definitely recommend him. Heres a few photos to give you an idea. As you can see some have grown really well and others not so much.





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Although I cannot see your images, what Ben stated above is true. Some of the transplanted hairs don’t fall down at all and start growing from the first few days after your hair transplant. Most of them are falling until month one and some of them may fall even after month two (that was the case from my last hair transplant as well).


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You can see the pictures if you right click on image, then view image (in Chrome it's 'open image in new tab').

I think the site you're hosting them on does not allow pasting the image directly in the thread ('hot-linking'). You can see them yourself because your browser has cached them from the first time you viewed them.

Basically you can just edit your posts and change the images to links.