Is This Normal


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I've started minoxidil about 2 weeks ago and just recently after i get out of the show and towel dry my hair i apply dr. lee's 5% xandrox. Immediately after i seem get this red rash looking thing that runs from the side of my temple, down my neck to the top of my chest. It's hard to explain, it's like blushing or something. It only happens there though, not on my whole head or neck. Are things like this normal?????


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When you put the minoxidil on, it doesn't drip to all the way down there, does it?


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Do you mean like a strip taking form of the monox drip? I think I know what you mean. but... I got the same thing not on Monoxidil but on this Nioxin scalp cleaner I was using. Now the only conclusion I came up with and tying your similar result with mine is that there is a reaction to skin that has never been exposed to a cleaning solution like the alcohol that is in these products. I say it will probably go away. Now if it burns, wash it out. It should clean but not clean a layer of skin off. As for the Nioxin scalp cleaner I have some still and I use it every now and then because I like the way it cleans my hair and scalp but I know that it is not an essential for regrowth and dht preventative I use Nizoral 2% as does 90 percent of this site for a reason and that is that it is great for good scalp conditioning and reletively inexpensive.


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no it doesn't sound normal. Email Dr. Lee and tell him, maybe he has a little insight to your problem. He's pretty good with returning emails quickly.


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No it doesn't drip.....and no it doesn't goes away after 5 minutes or so.


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Just to note your hair should be dry when you apply minoxidil, not just towl dryed. Could something to do with over absorbtion because your scalp/face is still moist.


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on dr. lee's directions it says "moist scalp", because it aborbs better. That what i believe it causing it b/c when i apply it in the morning with a dry scalp there is not reaction whatsoever.


minoxidil affects your cardiovascular system, it´s possible that it induces a small sympaticus effect similar to when you are stressed. Do you get this kind of blush when you are stressed?

minoxidil is better absorbed when scalp is a bit wet - that´s why you get a overload.


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I noticed i get sort of red blotches and i sometimes apply minoxidil after showering...but it goes away...i just thought it was because of the heat.

P.S Towel drying is really bad for your hair if you use the towel to rub your hair, wrapping a towel around your head though is okay or just dabbing it .Just read it in a magazine in an article by a tricholgist.