Is this normal?


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Ive read quite a bit through these forums during the last weeks and months.

I started taking propecia in mid august, started losing more hair within a week. Freaked out by early October and stopped.

Now Im taking Propecia once again since the 11th November (roughly a week) and Im again having increased shedding.

My sex drive is also up, which I know is normal.

My question is in everything that I have read they say it takes at least two weeks before you start shedding. Am I a rare case?


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Youve set yourself back in a big big way by stopping and restarting propecia. Now you will have to go through another shed before you see any benefits. If you had just stayed on propecia the first time you would be past the shedding stage by now.


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Have you ever considered the possibility that the increased shedding is either totally random, or even just in your head? Hair consists of 100K Follicles that shed randomly with about 15% in telogen phase. SO about 15000 hairs are all but ready to fall out. It is very likely that they could come out 150 each day, or 100 one day 200 the next, or not much at all for a week and then alot the next week.

Just ignore it if you can and wait a year or so


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Thanks both..

Brittania, I have been thinking of what you said. Part of me agrees with you, but part doesnt. Another possibility is that the hairs that where to be shed were shed and now the process is carrying on, but not starting from scratch. I dont know..

Dinzy, you have a point there. It could well be random, Propecia has accelerated the hairs programmed to fall.

But my question was, has anyone had effects within a week or towards the end of the first week.


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fantasiauae said:
Part of me agrees with you, but part doesnt.

Well would the part that does agree please do your hair a favor and restart Propecia and stay on it this time?