Is this normal?


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I've been using finasteride and nizoral for a few months now. I understand you can get periods of shedding with finasteride (and nizoral too) and that this can be a good thing but the thing is my hair seemed to get noticeably thicker first without an initial shed but now a few months later my hair looks thinner again, almost like it was before I started. Would appreciate some reassurance here as I'm a little disheartened at the moment. Thanks.


Experienced Member
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Yeah, I've read you should see the best results at about the year mark. Your right, I probably shouldn't get too down at this point but it's a bit of a rollercoaster seeing some results early on that were almost too good to be true and then going backwards again. I may consider dutasteride or perhaps I may add Min but then again I may not need to! :)