Is This Norwood 2 Or 3. How Many Grafts Should Fill This?


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Hey guys. I've had noticeable albeit minor hair loss since February 2018. Seriously like 6 weeks before I had noticed my thinning temples, I specifically remember looking in the mirror and and having a perfect hairline. The sudden loss devistated me. It hasn't really worsened since then. Can anyone tell me if this is Norwood 2 or 3? How many grafts would fill my temples up so it's barely noticeable or not noticeable at all?


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Your hair looks fine, maybe a little bit of thinning in the temple area but nothing to worry about and you look young so put talk of any hair transplant on the back burner until your older and if the thinning gets worse, if you do an hair transplant now you will looks like a monk if hair continues to thin after any transplant area.


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How old are you?

I can see and appreciate your concern but as already stated, the approach is not hair transplant surgery right now.

You still have a great head of hair, the key right now will be to prevent any further loss or slow down any progression that you may be genetically disposed to.

That will mean to consider hair loss preventative medicine. Finasteride being the key player, but not without risks and therefore concern.

If this is something you would prefer to avoid then I would perhaps recommending looking into topical Finasteride. I am hearing fantastic things about it without the hormonal impact on the body or the side effects.


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How old are you?

I can see and appreciate your concern but as already stated, the approach is not hair transplant surgery right now.

You still have a great head of hair, the key right now will be to prevent any further loss or slow down any progression that you may be genetically disposed to.

That will mean to consider hair loss preventative medicine. Finasteride being the key player, but not without risks and therefore concern.

If this is something you would prefer to avoid then I would perhaps recommending looking into topical Finasteride. I am hearing fantastic things about it without the hormonal impact on the body or the side effects.

Hi, thank you for your response. I am 27 as of January 2019. I first noticed my hair loss February 2018. I started taking finasteride in July, 6 months after I noticed. I haven't noticed any major shedding since I first noticed my hair loss. Albeit, I've noticed if I rub my hand thru the front middle hairs come out much easier, but the major shed seemed to be a one time thing. I was under an overwhelming amount of stress in my personal life at that time, so I've considered that it may have been telogen effluvium, but a year and a half later and nothings grown back. So I'm just praying the finasteride prevents further hair loss


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Poor pictures, take some more and people will be able to give you better help.

Slicking it back with most of your face and forehead hidden doesn't do anything for people.