is this side effect normal?


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We'll for the past week I have been having bad stomach aches, I've only been taking a multivitamin and finasteride(1mg daily), now my question, this last week I take finasteride and 2 or three hours later I have nausea and stomach cramp for hours is there a way around this?? Its a b**** dunno if anyone has had these been on finasteride 2 months approximately any help appreciated thanks guys


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do you take with food? And a good big glass of water/whatever?

Vitamins give me horrible stomach aches and gas if I take on an empty stomach.


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Yes I take with food I eat a lot but don't gain weight, I weigh 125 and I've never had nausea like that before I've taken everything out but finasteride and it goes away completely until I take it again the next day. Maybe its to much for my low weight? Always been healthy and never get sick it sucks thanks for the advice. Anyone else have this happen to them?


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hrm... do you have IBS or anything like that?

125 kg? so roughly 275lbs? or 125lbs?

how tall are ya?

cuz if its 125lbs your probably grossly underweight and have some other underlying digestive problem. This could be flaring it up.

I'd isolate the cause.. try a multi alone.. then the finasteride alone..see whats the cause.
If its the multi try a chewable.
If its the finasteride try alot more water or a tums or something afterwards... could be gas or acid or something.


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I'm 125 pounds ibs I believe and 5"7 or 8 yea I'm underweight but healthy eat 3 meals a day plus many snacks I've always been skinny I have a fast metabolism hungry every 2 hours or so do you think I should cut it in half? Or stop


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I'm 125 pounds ibs I believe and 5"7 or 8 yea I'm underweight but healthy eat 3 meals a day plus many snacks I've always been skinny I have a fast metabolism hungry every 2 hours or so do you think I should cut it in half? Or stop


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it probably causes a digestive flare up or something... are you on aciphex or pepcid or anything like that?

Try a gas or acid reducer.