Is This The Beginning Of A Norwood 1 Or More, Or A Maturing Hairline?


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I've received many conflicting answers from people telling me that I should get it checked by a derma because of how it looks, people telling me that there is 0 hair loss, (which just isn't true a maturing hairline is still hair loss but whatever) and people saying that I'm in the top 10% based on density and people saying that they're certain that I will recede and it will be too late. I've posted the pictures before but here I'm just going to include what I'd say are the most interesting and the ones that seem to be the most troubling. I also included a picture that I see thrown around a lot of the different "kinds of hairline". I get it whatever I still have hair great but my point is my temples seem to be noticeably thinner than my forelock and the thinning goes back into my hairline. I get it I'm not a NW3 Vertex and I'm not experiencing severe hair loss like other members. Maybe even place bets on what's going to happen based off pictures now. The red outline is where the density is noticeably less dense, even if it doesn't show up well over a picture.


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Was it denser before? You can start using Minoxidil it should strengthen the hair and reverse the miniaturization there, no need for Finasteride just yet. Other than that you have a perfectly fine hair and a great hair line, low and narrow. But I don't like your nickname, makes you sound like a troll, you have great genetics.
Well here's my hairline at nearly 18. I had a feminine hairline and the thing that's freaking me out is this rapid change. It's almost at the two year point I guess. And no trollerino I take this pretty seriously and not trying to belittle this community because I've seen what more aggressive early balding has done to friends.Seems to be a pretty fat L for two years though losing that hairline.


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If you are really afraid of losing your hairs. You shouldn't go on minoxydil but finasteride, finasteride will stop the process of balding, minoxydil is giving like a small plus but don't interrupt the balding itself.


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If you are really afraid of losing your hairs. You shouldn't go on minoxydil but finasteride, finasteride will stop the process of balding, minoxydil is giving like a small plus but don't interrupt the balding itself.
My main thing is I'm an extremely active athlete and I know dropping my DHT by 70% is going to severely effect me in my sport.


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I'm also a big athlete (Playing Hockey at high level), i was also worried about the side effect on my condition but it did nothing.
I think your body adapts to the new lvl of DHT and you don't see the difference after 2-3 weeks


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I'm also a big athlete (Playing Hockey at high level), i was also worried about the side effect on my condition but it did nothing.
I think your body adapts to the new lvl of DHT and you don't see the difference after 2-3 weeks
That at least makes me a little more confident but the bigger issue is that it’s banned by the NCAA because it can mask other steroids. Other thing with my sport is it’s timed by milliseconds which makes every bit of speed more important.


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Are you really thinking about taking finasteride lmao
It's in the back of my mind since my maternal grandfather went NW5-6ish at 24 and was full on NW7 by 30. It's not even the thought of sides for me its the dropping your DHT by 70% as I value my athleticism, and DHT is important in nervous system function. Obviously you can argue against points made in this, and no I'm not a body builder but there are valid points in this article as to the roles of DHT.