Is this truth?


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Lets say guy is nw5 and stopped there. He wants to have a hair transplant.
The average NW5 region has approx 20,000 hairs at 100% normal, non male pattern baldness density. Most NW5's only have 6,000 to 8,000 of donor grafts available on their heads - for their entire lifetime!
For 50% of coverage, in case of nw5, there is a need for 8.000-1000. grafts.
Do Telogen Effluvium math... is it possible???

El Nino

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You are mixing up grafts and hairs. Lets say for instance a NW5 has 150cm2 of bald area and an average density of 75 grafts per cm2 on the top of their head pre male pattern baldness (the donor area will be more).

This equals 11250 grafts (150 x 75). There is approx 2.2 hairs per graft which equals 24750 hairs.

So for 50% coverage 5625 grafts or 12375 hairs would be needed. The average man has between 6000 to 8000 grafts available. But some only have about 5000 and others have over 12000!

This is why meds are important in conjunction with surgery...the fact is that hair transplants look better with the more native hair you have.

But I have seen some great transformations on NW5s who have good hair characteristics.

El Nino

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Of course it is just the average. My last hair transplant was 2597 grafts and 6031 hairs, so the average hair(s) per graft was 2.32.

But some people only get 1 and others can get 3. This is why hair counts are important. Joe can get 1000 grafts and 3000 hairs. Jim could get 3000 grafts and 3000 hairs. Both will have had exactly the same amount of hair transplanted.

Then you've got different hair characteristics, thin and thick hair.....there are so many variables with hair transplant surgery.