Is Verteporfin ineffective for skin scars?


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There’s this "new" glaucoma drug that's gaining popularity for treating scars - Verteporfin, which is touted as a cure for scar revisions. However, most discussions on the web seem to focus on its use for FUE extractions, not actual scars.

I have two surgical scars on my cheeks that are really affecting my self-confidence. I’ve seen some pictures posted by Dr. Bloxham on YouTube, but they only address the revitalization of punch scars, not typical scars like mine.

I've been hoping to see Verteporfin available in clinics, but so far, only dubious clinics in Turkey and India offer it, and the price tag is HIGH. I can’t even reach the people who have posted before-and-after pictures of their results in these clinics, as they haven’t logged in since they posted the photos, making me suspect the users might be doing some false advertising for these doctors. Additionally (and more concerning), some skeptics on this forum claim that Verteporfin is overhyped garbage, saying it’s a weak YAP inhibitor.

Is anyone here familiar with the use of Verteporfin for SKIN scars? Can it truly remove scars without a trace during scar revisions, or is it as weak and ineffective for skin scars as some have suggested?