Isn't bald in?


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I'm not talking about the Dr. Phil look where you keep your hair short on the sides even though you're slick down the middle.
What I'm referring to is the completely shaved appearance that many guys are going for nowadays.
I see so many guys walking around now with their heads totally shaved. Obviously it's not nearly the stigma it once way, if it even is at all.


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A lot of people have shitty haircuts. I mean, at least 50% of the population with a NW1 and I don't think they style their hair well.

A lot of guys have nerdy dumb haircuts lol. A buzz cut is tough and always cool, and can never be styled wrong.


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I'm not talking a Marine style buzz.
What I'm referring to is the totally slick look.
No hair except your eyebrows and perhaps the face.
That's what I recently opted for and I love it.