Isnt it odd that ...


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...there are millions and millions bald men (ie nw6+) around the plant, yet we only a handful around here....!? :/
how do you explain that? :dunno:


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I think there are probably millions of lurkers in a given year - most of them just don't register. This and HLH are the top search results for a lot of hair loss terms on Google. I myself lurked sporadically for about a year before I registered.

The majority of true bald men probably know there is nothing that can be done. Or if not, they stumble upon this place, lurk for a bit and find out the harsh truth that way.

I've sort of used that as a counter arguments to UMan and HP's posts about how hard it is to be bald, because if it was so crippling I would think we would have millions of NW6s on here! But I guess that is not the case - I guess it's a mixture of most men accepting baldness more easily or just not wanting to talk to strangers on the internet about it.


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Maybe its a macho thing.... because there are planty of bald guys in that "Sly bald guys" (or something) forum.... over there, they dont share their feelings and so open about it as the guys that come here....i find the whole thing quite weird and funny at the same time ...


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Thickandthin said:
I've sort of used that as a counter arguments to UMan and HP's posts about how hard it is to be bald, because if it was so crippling I would think we would have millions of NW6s on here! But I guess that is not the case - I guess it's a mixture of most men accepting baldness more easily or just not wanting to talk to strangers on the internet about it.

Definatley I think most of the posters on here have some kind of issues with confidence or dont lead very fullfilling lives. The average guy may not like it but has enough other stuff going on in his life for hairloss to be just a minor problem or can just say I'm not going to let it ruin my life.
I dont think thats odd at all, if it was there would be obesity forums with literally millions of members.


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The only reason it "bothers" me is because IT IS an issue that should draw more attention, a huge sector of men who get fucked on various aspects due to it yet bothers to do nothing about it!


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s.a.f said:
Definatley I think most of the posters on here have some kind of issues with confidence or dont lead very fullfilling lives.

I couldn't agree more!!!!

For example look at me.... I'll be the first to admit that in the last few years my life has been very, let's say, un-fulfilling. I try to stay positive but there are days I feel like a big loser, it's a vicious circle I've been trying to break for some time now...

I think most bald men just get on with their lives. They may not like getting bald, but that doesn't mean they organise their lives around hairloss and It's not the end of the world, there are much more important issues!!!

Frankly speaking, I might quit this forum for good next week... My crunch time is coming up and I have to decide the direction my life is going to take....


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Smooth said:
...there are millions and millions bald men (ie nw6+) around the plant, yet we only a handful around here....!? :/
how do you explain that? :dunno:

That is a good point. I think the reason for this is most men have seen their father, their uncles and maybe some of their friends lose their hair, and not be able to grow any of it back.

Seeing this has made most men feel that there is nothing that they can do about their hair loss. They have come to adopt the "When it goes, it goes" philosophy.

The individuals who are members of this forum are people who are a lot more knowledgeable about hair loss than the average hair loss sufferer, and they know that there are things that can be done to fight hair loss. They join the forum to increase their knowledge about hair loss treatments even more, and then create a routine that will help them to grow their hair back.


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I started posting here when my hairloss really started bothering me. All I wanted was to see what guys were doing to keep their hair and try to regrow it other than rogaine and propecia. I guess most guys losing their hair are just dealing with it better than those of us here or haven't though about checking out a messageboard.


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Smooth said:
...there are millions and millions bald men (ie nw6+) around the plant, yet we only a handful around here....!? :/
how do you explain that? :dunno:

they are accepting it, and they are not in denial. So they don't need this forum "support". Usually high lvl norwooders have aggressive hairloss from very young age and they are prepared to live with it.


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I don't think it's necessarily about accepting hairloss.. I think most people have more important things to do than post in forums.

I'm pretty sure couple guys I know are doing something with their hair, one of them suddenly has more hair!!! Also, a friend of mine told me that he used to take propecia, another guy is using a cream, etc...

My point is, there are lots of guys out there who treat their hairloss and they might read a few things on this forum. However, they do not register and they do not post simply because they get the information they need and then they move on...


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t's depressing how much time people spend wasting their lives obsessing over their hairloss, and spending countless hours of their lives on this forum. I think it's unatural, and unhealthy, and just strange.

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009

Posts: 475

Sorry to be such an arsehole :woot:


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Don't worry, man, I'm just fooling around. I also think it's not how much you post, but what you post about. Some people post about their regimens, and new attempts to challenge male pattern baldness; others talk about how much it's ruining their lives ad naseum. The former's a lot more productive than the latter.


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Boondock said:
Don't worry, man, I'm just fooling around. I also think it's not how much you post, but what you post about. Some people post about their regimens, and new attempts to challenge male pattern baldness; others talk about how much it's ruining their lives ad naseum. The former's a lot more productive than the latter.
vice versa, no one actually manage to grow hair yet, productive would be to talk it out if you feel blue other then live denial. :whistle:


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I think the knowledge portion is a big reason why people come here. To average norwooder probably has no idea about RU, spironolactone, Flut, ect.

Also I think people who are more technology, or at least computer, inclined are the ones who post on forums, generally. Think of how many balding men don't post on the forums not because they can deal with it any better bur rather because they don't even know forums like this exist.

The world of internet forums is a very mysterious place to many, especially those over 40, which most bald men are.