Isolating Results and Shedding


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Hey, so this question involves both Propecia and Rogaine but it mainly concerns shedding so I thought this was the best section for it.

I've been on Rogaine for a month. My hair was always shaved up until this month so I honestly can't tell if its helping or not, there are new hairs below the hairline but they may just be growing out because I didn't shave them. I don't even know if I'm shedding since I haven't had my hair grown out long enough in the past two years to get a baseline number of hairs lost per day or anything like that. As of right now I haven't any major results to report on.

Anyhow, I'm almost certainty going to take Propecia soon. My question involves the time line for taking Propecia and Rogaine. If I start Propecia right now, and say 7 months from now I have a huge shed. I will have no clue if it is due to Propecia or Rogaine. Or say my hair reacts really well with Propecia but terribly with Rogaine and they sort of offset eachother.

I'm wondering how you guys/girls are able to determine what results are from what Product. Like do you just do the big 3 at the same time, wait a bit and roll the dice.. Do you start off with one compound and wait for the results from that? I couldn't find a rule of thumb or anything like that online.

EDIT: That seems like a pretty solid Rule of Thumb. Thanks!


Senior Member
My Regimen
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If you start them at the same time there is no way to really tell. Propecia is not good at massive regrowth. If you get extremely good regrowth, this is probably the minoxidil. If you get barely any regrowth but maintain long term (years) its the finasteride working. If you get very good regrowth and long term maintenance both worked good. If you get very good regrowth but don't maintain long term the rogaine worked well, but the finasteride not so much.

Only way to reliably track results is high quality pics taken over the long term (like at baseline and 6 months [which isn't long really at all] or 1 or 2 years


New Member
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Maybe ZZZZZ or somebody could tell me:

If I've recently had a shed and add some other treatment, am I likely to get another shed from the new treatment, thus potentially shedding twice as much hair overall (even if only temporarily)?
Or also, are there other kinds of bad timing that might cause prolonged shedding,
or particular orders in which some things should be done for best results overall..?


(Note: This is one of my "New registrations must have at least 4 posts in order to create a new thread"-posts, so I hope people won't mind me digging up old threads or asking questions already answered... at least I'm not looking for answers I know already. I'll post the whole story at "Tell Your Story" once I can.)