isopropyl vs ethanol and ru58841.


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would ru58841 disolve better with isopropyl then with ethanol? i have been trying different doses and i am currently trying 8% 1ml solution for hairline (75%alcV25%ppg) and a 5% solution for the rest of my head.

also would isopropyl prove to be a better delivery veichal then ethanol? and what issues may i have if i apply it to my scalp?

in my 8% solution i find there is alot of powder in my hair and on the surface of my skin after it dries, despite the fact it disolves (or at least seems to) well in the ethanol. i cant see any bits or anything floating around in the solution after mixing it up.

alsoi can get isopropyl 99.9% pure alcohol substantially cheaper then ethanol (currently using 95% polish vodka).


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you need to add some Propylene glycol.

All that white dust/powder is RU that didnt get absored into your scalp. Pure Alcohol like your using evaporates extremely quickly. PG will help delay that and help assist much more RU make it through your skin and to the hair follicles were it is needed.


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I know it's been talked about before, but why does it seem like nobody else is interested in using a liposomic vehicle to use instead of alcohol.

"After reading the literature there is no doubt that RU58841 can be put into a liposomic vehicle and is more effective at penetrating to the deeper levels of the skin. There is a study available that describes the process for having RU58841 put into a liposomal cream base. The study shows that a standard hydro-alcoholic vehicle does not result in as much RU58841 making it to the dermis (and therefore the hair root & papilla). Instead it remains localized in the uppermost levels of the skin (i.e. the stratum corneum) where it wouldn't help at all.

I use a liposome base because the literature supports it and because it lessens the need for me to use the full amount cited in the stumptailed macaque studies. Admittedly the studies done utilized a 5% hydro-alcoholic solution were promising and showed that this type of vehicle worked. I just happened to be convinced that more of the drug can be delivered to the dermis level of the skin with a liposome and by hydrating the scalp.

It was not very expensive to have done and cosmetically has been a major plus. I do have a small amount in a standard vehicle but don't use it very much at all. Once the RU58841 has penetrated it will circulate to other areas in the scalp. I'm sure that it works for me further back on my head even though I don't apply it there."


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I would love to put RU into a liposomal, however i dont have the first idea on how to do this? i assume most people would have to send the compound to a lab to get it done there.

the other thing is once the RU is prepared (in ethanol for example) it becomes unstable in a relativly short period of time. How do we know the RU wont degrade quickly im a lipsome formula? Due to it's cost, it would be an expensive experiment.

Does anyone know of a lab or something that could produce such a product? i haven't got the first clue on what to look for. Idealy it'd have to be a UK based company.

The other thing is seeing as it's ment to be kept in the freezer, what if it got delayed in the post, or the lab that you send it to didnt handle it correctly?

If i can find somewhere that would do this then i'd definately give it a go.


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There are some ready made empty?liposome?bottles that can be used to encapsulate drugs.

For example, google COATSOME liposome

..then you will quickly discover that these are extremely expensive..will cost more than just adding more RU to compensate for the lower absorption rate using ethanol.

Isopropyl alcohol whould work with RU but is a lot more irritating to the scalp than liquor grade, drinkable (!) ethanol.

Need to add a bit (10 or 20%) PG to this if you use more than 50mg of RU, because the ethanol dries very fats and leaves too much powder on the mentionned in the above post.

There are 2 suppliers of RU, Faithe Eagle and another one. Feait Eagle has more impurities in it and will not dissolve 100%. The other supplier RU is very good and pure..that's what I have been using for a few months and it works great.


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RU in raw powder form can handle room temperature for a few weeks without any issues, one supplier did a test and saw no changes after 2 weeks at room temp.

No issues when traveling?and keeping RU in the trunk of a car in the sun.

The most important is to protect RU from air, moisture and light.

Freezer is recommended for long term storage...