It Looks Like None Of This "impact Of Hair Loss" May Matter Anymore.


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I just posted 3 pics that Artista has posted revealing the part of the donor area where he had follicles extracted for his Pilofocus hair transplant. While I've been here this evening I've also been studying these 3 pictures for hours and I can't find even 1 empty spot in the patch of his donor area where the folicles were extracted. And I have been going over every spot in these pictures over and over and over again.

I do believe we may have our unlimited donor supply boys.

I wouldn't tell everyone outside of this site about this because you don't want Dr. Wesley to get backed up by 2 years.
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My Regimen
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I wouldn't tell everyone outside of this site about this because you don't want Dr. Wesley to get backed up by 2 years.

Even if this was national news (which similar news stories about definite "cures" have been) 90% of seriously bald guys will still remain telling themselves "lol as if a real man like me would need that" as a result of society mocking male vanity and ugliness all at the same time.

Then take an almost tearful look in the mirror telling themselves "it's alright, it's alright, shhh now..." before bed.
