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Ive posted a few posts on hair transplant about itching and have taken onboard advice but i just cant get rid of the itch for good.

At present im using Nizoral, T-Gel and Tricomin and ordinary shampoo to tackle the problem. Since i purchased Tricomin it has helped the itch but i still cant get rid of it for good.

Does anyone else have this problem??

I mean it'll be fine say in the morning and by afternoon i can feel my scalp tingling then getting itchy, also if it doesnt feel that bad then i go and have a shower the water seems to agravate it!!

Anybody got any ideas on how to beat it. I also take 1mg of finasteride a day.

Thanks in advance


for all it's worth, my itching has now stopped. It has to be connected with shed of some sorts. Now it seems my hair is thickening up just in time for crimbo.

Bone Daddy

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Same here (on the itching) but I noticed it left when I dropped the nizoral for a few days. Now im going to try and use it only 2 days a week. I used it yesterday, and had a tiny amount of itch afterwards.

It might be your shampoo schedule. Drop nizoral and maybe T for a week and see what happens. It worked for me.


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I use H&S Intense Scalp Treatment and I swear by the stuff. Also, dont over use Nizoral, every 3 days is optimal in my opinion.
