Itching and Flaking, Don't Want To Scratch!? With Rogaine 5%


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I've been using Rogaine 5% Liquid along with other products I use in my regime but until recently I hadn't noticed the itching and flaking. I know that it is the Rogaine because I have stopped using it before and the itching and flaking went away. It works really well for my hairline and recently I noticed thinning in my crown and over the top of my head so I started spraying Rogaine on top and on the crown. One thing bothers me though, I lost my temples to scratching long before I even knew what hair loss was. I scratched and then I said goodbye to my temple hair...Now my crown and all over are itching and I don't want to scratch and the Rogaine is working but I'm worried what happened to my temples will happen to the rest of my hair. Is this a normal thing that happens should I be worried or will it go away...I use Nizoral but it only works for that day and the next before the itching comes back. My hair isn't that bad, it's actually in the beginning stages of thinning and you wouldn't notice if I grew it out, but because I buzz down to a 2 guard you can see the ring around my head. So should I be worried, can I still use Rogaine all over, I've heard of Rogaine causing hair loss in some cases.

I've been using Rogaine for 2 weeks on the hairline and 1 week on the top and crown.

Also notice my current regime...


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Try Rogaine foam.

I used to get crazy flakes (it's usually just the residue from the rogaine, not skin btw) when using liquid twice a day.

I also preferred foam way more than liquid when my hair was buzzed, as regaine liquid left my head looking like an oil slick whereas foam dries in 15 mins with barely a trace.

I still use a liquid at night (cheaper Kirkland to offset the foam cost) and I haven't noticed any flaking with the once-a-day liquid.