Itching on the scalp



In my personnel opinion when you get this itching feeling then that means you are going into a shed. When that itching ceases then you are over it. There is a lot of talk about why people itch on the scalp.

My itch has now vanished so I am convinced that I am now going into a more relaxed growth stage. The temple areas have not got any worse and my main hairline is still in position.

The Gardener

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traxdata said:
In my personnel opinion when you get this itching feeling then that means you are going into a shed.

That has been my experience as well, exactly. This is why I think scalp health is important, and this means usage of Nizoral preferrably or other anti-irritation shampoos, and usage of copper peptides.

All of my sheds have been accompanied by irritation. When my scalp starts itching, I personally start increasing the frequency of my Nizoral shampoo usage, and try to add in some different anti-irritant shampoos as suitable as well as making sure I am consistent with my copper peptide sprays. Although I am a Nizoral user, and occasionally add in T-Gel when I feel my scalp needs it, I recently picked up some T-Gel anti-itch formula which basically is T-Gel with menthol in it. It is awesome against itching, the menthol is a mild topical anesthetic that feels great and tingles after sitting on the scalp for a while. It's just a superficial treat, but if the itching gets bad it will help keep you mind off of it in the short term until the medicines in the nizoral and T-Gel start taking better effect in the longer term.



Is it the case then that the use of nizoral is to just stop the irritation, but not stop the shed, afterall the shed is supposed to happen so that new growth can sprout through...



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traxdata said:
In my personnel opinion when you get this itching feeling then that means you are going into a shed. When that itching ceases then you are over it.

I'm beginning to form the same theory.


It has to be like that because you can almost feel the individual hairs moving on the scalp.


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True dat.


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Hope you guys are right cause i cant get rid of my itch its driving me mad!! Been on finasteride for a month and a half and my hair seems to get worse by the day.

I use nizoral, tricomin, t-gel and normal shampoo and at some point in the day i can feel my scalp crawling and it been itchy.

Any ideas??


you are shedding, this is a good sign. You will see growth later on ...

good luck!!


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traxdata said:
In my personnel opinion when you get this itching feeling then that means you are going into a shed. When that itching ceases then you are over it. There is a lot of talk about why people itch on the scalp.

My itch has now vanished so I am convinced that I am now going into a more relaxed growth stage. The temple areas have not got any worse and my main hairline is still in position.

I think this could be the same for some. But as a general rule for the masses no. Were this the case I would not have a single hair left. :wink:

For the rest of us Itching means irritation as a by product of treatments or just good'ol sub derm. :pensativo:


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Before I got on the regimen, my scalp used to itch quite a bit. Scratching it only made it worse...


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okay you guys are a lot more experienced on combating hairloss..

i started minoxidil 2% generic and i bought a 3 month supply. (3 bottles) right now im on like 1 2/5 left to go. i stopped using it for the past week because the severe itching caused redding, chunks of flakes, a lot more hairloss, and it was just damn annoying to deal with. i stopped taking minoxidil 2% for 5 days only and i have no itch what soever.

but i dont want to throw minoxidil out of my regimen since it is one of the few proven to work medications against hair loss.

so what do you guys think? people told me to get dr lees 5% minoxidil which i am going to do but should i just finish up the rest of my minoxidil 2% bottles? ive been on it for about 2 months. skipped 2 weeks though due tomajor itching but not in a row. or should i just throw em out and buy dr. lees sh*t asap?

thanks guys. and i dont kno if nizoral or t-gel helps for controlling itch because whether i use them both or not if i dont apply minoxidil my scalp is fine... if i apply it it itches like a b**ch!

but one thing that i can say is that nizoral is a great shampoo, lathers really well and conditions too... it's not like one of those rough shampoos where you feel yourself pulling your hair out when you lather.

by the way nizoral SMELLS and has the same color as head and shoulders... are they the same? cuz sh*t head and shoulders is a hell lot bigger and cheaper.

thanks guys..