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i am like on week three three and a half on finasteride and i have noticed my scalp itching alot more, when i go to itch my scalp in the spots i find like 2-3 peices of hair on my hand. Is this normal for finasteride? i can remember my hair shedding before i started finasteride because of male pattern baldness but i dont really remmeber the itching part. does thi shappen to everyone?


Have you used the nizoral yet? If you havent this should help a hell of a lot. Also nizoral used regularly is said to be as effective as 2%minoxidil. If the nizoral dont help, get some t-gel to go in rotation with the nizoral. Once you use these for about 2 weeks you should be itch free, iwas


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no my nizoral has not yet came in the mail but is it the same nizoral u guys are u using i ordered it without a prescription from cvs pharmacy is that the right stufF?

and what is t-gel im a newb i dont know any of them


yes it's common.

Nizoral, T/Gel, T/Sal, they all will help.

Rinsing your scalp in very cold water for a minute or so after showering/bathing really helped me.

...also your scalp will take a while to 'settle' into your new regimen.


t-gel is a shampoo made by nuetrogeana. they make a whole line for itch and psoriasis dermatits... all the sh*t that usually accompanies male pattern baldness, t-gel and t/sal work the best imo

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Here is my version of Medicated Shampoos 101 for Newbies, Clif Notes version:

- Nizoral: An antifungal that helps keep naturally occurring fungus on your scalp in check. This fungus causes irritation, which, when combined with irritation from your body's immune response to male pattern baldness, act synergistically to accelerate the hairloss process. Keep the fungus in check, irritation subsides, and scalp health is maximized for regrowth. Reduces flaking over time. Additionally, Nizoral has a slight antiandrogen in it that can actually help hair growth on a chemical basis.

- T/Gel: Another antifungal. Improves scalp health and reduces flaking just as Nizoral does, but does not have the same antiandrogenic properties that Nizoral does. A good replacement for those whose scalps are sensitive to Nizoral, and a good thing for Nizoral users to mix in every now and then to keep the fungus 'off balance' and dead.

- T/Gel Extra Strength: Same as above, but twice the dosage.

- T/Gel Anti-Itch: Same as above, but also contains Menthol which is a mild topical anesthetic that calms outbreaks of irritation and makes your scalp tingle.

- T/Sal: NOT an antifungal, but a fruit acid-based exfoliant that removes built up dead scalp tissue. Reduces flaking. Anecdotally shown to improve the scalp's absorbtion of other topicals, such as Minoxidil.

- Head and Shoulders: Contains yet a third type of antifungal.

I suggest using Nizoral for all. Mix in some T/Gel and T/Sal, try to find a combination of the two or three, used sporadically between your regular shampoo, and find a good balance that keeps your scalp happy. Every scalp is different, tinker until you get it right.