Itchy....a lot hair shed...but no hairloss??


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Well, title says it all :)
My scalp is itchy, and over the last 2 months or so, im shedding hair like crazy, but there are no visible signs of hairloss...... My temples are just maturing, and my triangles are fine. I see no hairloss on my crown either...

Not taking any meds or special shampoos or anything, cuz i dont think there is any reason to start.

My hair is curly, and fairly long, about 6 inches maybe, so maybe thats why im shedding hair, but everytime i put my hand through my hair i get like 4 or 5 hairs. Some are thin, and weak, others are normal hairs. When i take a shower, i get like 30 hairs when i shampoo, and another like 10-20 when i dry my hair with a towel.
With all this though, i can not see anything that makes it look like i am losing hair.

Could the hair shed be because my hair is long? And if yea, why only the past 2 months? It's been long for a while now......
Also, do you think maybe because its long, its hard to see any visible signs of hairloss?

BTW, just to let you know. Both sides of my family, almost all males (like 99% of them) have hairloss (most are nw5), and most lost it by age of 25... i am 20 now

here are pictures today!

here are pictures from 1 year ago! Hair is basically the same, except slightly more mature hairline, but did not have shed back then!

What do you think?


Established Member
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i dunno you are probably starting to recede it's a little too early to tell since you still have a pretty good hairline. just remember if hair loss really bugs you as soon as you know for certain that you are losing hair like your other relatives that went bald get on propecia asap (assuming you accept the side effect risks).

you don't want to get stuck playing the catch up game.

Brains Expel Hair

Established Member
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Dense, shaggy hair cuts are great for covering up the initial signs of hair loss. A long hair cut won't hide the damage forever and quickly goes from being just enough to cover it up, to being just sparse enough to look really bad. It does sound like you are shedding a bit more than normal.

Get on Nizoral (topical shampoo) if for nothing than to just alleviate some of that itching. When used topically (ie: don't chug the shampoo) it has little to no side effects in most people. If after a while it doesn't seem to have done any good at all then you should probably contact a doctor.


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so you think it would be better to cut my hair short to see if there are any visible signs of hairloss?

Start with nizoral now, and then when/ if i notice my hairloss getting worse, then i should go see a Doctor, to get on propecia/ minoxidil?


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You wont need minoxidil unless you lose a lot of ground...If the Doctor believes you have male pattern baldness,then you might have to try Finasteride.

Brains Expel Hair

Established Member
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Both of them have a decent amount of side effects that you could potentially experience so it's really more up to which ever ones don't trouble you the most.

Cutting your hair shorter could allow you to notice the hair loss easier but it would also allow others to notice it easier. At your current density however I don't even think other people with hair loss would be able to notice it and in the end they're the only ones who ever do. I say keep the long hair for now if you like that style, your hair loss isn't close to the time when you'll have to start designing your hair cut around it.


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Oh.. so it's whatever works better with less side-effects when i have to use them.

About the hair,
Wouldn't it be better to keep it short? That way i can visually see when my hair will really start to thin out?

If it's kept long, then by the time i will notice it might already be at a stage that is going to be harder to come back from
But if it's kept short, then i can catch it as soon as it starts getting noticeable


Experienced Member
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True but I suggest you to take pics every 5-6 months of your hairline and crown coz thats where it really starts.BTW your looks great now :) .


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It might look good now, but not for long! :woot:
Ya, thats what i plan on doing.
Cut it short, then take some pics every few months so i can see if there is any difference.
watch me cut it short, then realize that im already balding :sobbing:

or the opposite,
cut it short, and realize nothing to worry about for now and cut my hair for no reason


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I was searching through the forums and I landed on your thread. Your situation is nearly identical to what I am living.

Is there any chance you could tell us how you are doing now? It would be great to know!