Itchy Scalp - The Cause Of My Hairloss?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm 21 and have been suffering from hair loss since 16. I think I'm a diffuse because the whole top of my head is thinning but my hairline hasn't receded that much (maybe 1-3cm).

I was wondering my head has been very itchy and when I scratch it I can see white stuff under my nails. This has been going on for as long as I can remember (perhaps when my hair loss started). Can anyone perhaps explain this? Could this be related to my hair loss?

Nick H

PS: Couldn't find the write section to post this in, hopefully this will do!


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It's not the cause but a side-effect of hair loss, itchy scalp, increase in sebum/dandruff, thinning of the hair shaft, etc.


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What you are experiencing is a well known androgen-dependent condition called seborrheic dermatitis. Yes it can cause diffuse thinning, but it's only the tip of the iceberg. The main culprit are male sex hormones: Testosterone and, in greater extent, Dihydrotestosterone. Ketoconazole may help reduce itching (or may not) and dandruff, but it's too weak to stop it completely. Such condition may be treated very effectively with drugs with antiandrogen actions, including androgen receptor antagonists such as cyptorerone acetate, spironolactone, and bicalutamide, 5α-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride. But you should know that cpa, spironolactone and bic are all very potent drugs, so they will feminize you for some extent. The common side effects of such treatment are low libido, mild or severe gyno (will depend on your sensibilty to estrogen and genetics), body hair loss, female pattern of fat distribution, etc, but your scalp hair loss will be stopped completely and you may even regrow some of it.

If your hairline is in a good shape then you are very lucky, cause with AA's you will get back all of your lost density.
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Hi DHTPolice,

Thanks for the length reply.

I'm currently on dutasteride for about 7 months now.. I tried finasteride for 6 months (I had very little sides - small ball ache thats all) and it wasn't cutting it.. so I'm on dutasteride now.. I'm still experiencing hair loss with it not sure how much it's helping. I use Nizoral 2% 3 times a week (leave it on for minimum 5 minutes). I'm very hairy (back hair) if that has anything to do with high DHT levels idk. The only thing I haven't tried is minoxidil because I'm a bit worried about the shedding. Funny enough everyone talks about how they loose SO much hair in the shower and stuff. The worst I've ever lost is 20 hairs in one day? I'd loose probably about 4-5 a day? BUT you can really start to see through my scalp in certain lights so I'm so confused to why my hair loss is so different from everyone elses? It's as if the hairs that are falling out are just not growing back at all but I'm not loosing like 100-150 like other people go on about on this forum....


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I don't have any pictures, not sure how it will help as i've never tooken any in the past to compare. Also thin ones i believe not completely fine either..


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As in the hairs i loose won't be extremely thin they sort of range. The thickness of the hairs i loose are a bit random tbh.


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Everywhere but more concentrated on the top of my head.. Where my hair loss is?


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Not really, I can easily manage to get rid of the itch using absurd amounts of Nizoral. Oral Ceterezine (take for hayfever) also seems to help.
I'm on duta ed, fina ed, minoxidil 5 x times a week (busy schedule), dermastamp once a week, topical castor and coconut oil mix (after dermastamping 1:2 castor to coconut oil ratio), once a week nizoral (i dont think it really helps, plus it makes my scalp so dry and unhealthy)

After all of that - I still can't maintain.

P.S - No major side effects from any of my regimen, small ball ache sometimes from duta/finasteride.

Kind Regards,
Nick H


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Not really, I can easily manage to get rid of the itch using absurd amounts of Nizoral. Oral Ceterezine (take for hayfever) also seems to help.
I'm on duta ed, fina ed, minoxidil 5 x times a week (busy schedule), dermastamp once a week, topical castor and coconut oil mix (after dermastamping 1:2 castor to coconut oil ratio), once a week nizoral (i dont think it really helps, plus it makes my scalp so dry and unhealthy)

After all of that - I still can't maintain.

P.S - No major side effects from any of my regimen, small ball ache sometimes from duta/finasteride.

Kind Regards,
Nick H
Can you upload baseline and current pictures of your hair? DHTPolice is right about Anti Androgens. What might be your problem is that dutasteride can increase testosterone by more than 100%! Testosterone also hurts hair!! You may be extra sensitive to it so blocking DHT is not doing much.