Its a cruel world

Bald Dave

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Okay so I am thinning like hell! That doesn't make me a bad person nor does it make me any less of a man! But when I go out people always comment about it! Okay at first it never used to bother me but now its starting to get me down!

The other day I went to this bar and I got talking to a girl and she asked me to guess her age! She looked about 30 but to be polite I said that she looked 25! She was quite pleased with that comment because she said she was 28. I then asked how old do you think I am and she said its hard to tell because in the face I look 25 (which is my age) but because I am receeding I look 30! I thought what a b**ch! She obvioulsy looked older than 25 but I wanted to be polite but she couldn't be polite back and not mention that I am receeding! She was fat as well and I didn't say lose some weight and you'll look younger! Its not my fault that I am receeding but its her fault that she is fat!


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Did you not say before that you was going on a date? if so how did it go?

Don't take it to heart, you could have screwed that fat slag if you wanted to!

Then in the morning kick her out on the street! :D

Bald Dave

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Yeah I am going on the date tomorrow night! We have arranged to meet up in this bar near where I live! I am really looking forward to it!

Yeah you're right! screw her! She wasn't anything special anyway! Usually fat and ugly women have to put you down to big themselves up - they've probably had loads of stick in their lives! I know I am alot better than her and so did she and she was probably nasty because she knew that she could never get me!


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That's the spirt!

Tomorrow, don't try to hard, just be yourself! :wink:


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impact of hair loss forum
oh and dude don't get bent out of shape from woman. who takes sh*t from woman? tell her u don't give a f*** because u have pride in who you are. you are good person, contribute to society. you pay taxes, and u dont take sh*t from nobody! you dont gotta prove sh*t to her. LAUGH it off. LAUGH that b**ch off.


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l work wth a big fat woman who said to me ....well at least my hair isnot receeding...l said ..if having my jaw wired would help my hairloss ..l wouldnt whats your excuse ??? ....she started balling all over the office and guess who came out the bad guy and got into trouble over insensitive comments!!! :lol:


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Bald Dave said:
The other day I went to this bar and I got talking to a girl and she asked me to guess her age! She looked about 30 but to be polite I said that she looked 25! She was quite pleased with that comment because she said she was 28. I then asked how old do you think I am and she said its hard to tell because in the face I look 25 (which is my age) but because I am receeding I look 30! I thought what a b****! She obvioulsy looked older than 25 but I wanted to be polite but she couldn't be polite back and not mention that I am receeding! She was fat as well and I didn't say lose some weight and you'll look younger! Its not my fault that I am receeding but its her fault that she is fat!

Bear in mind though that we men are not supposed to be concerned by such things as appearance and many of us hide our feelings about this ie make out that it does'nt bother us at all. So this girl probably had no idea that mentioning your hairloss was going to upset you so much. Maybe she did'nt mind mentioning it because in her mind it was not that big a deal. As many people on here keep telling us its not all that important to women.
Or on the other hand maybe she was just a b**ch?

Howardjjj that was a classic :D


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I think that anyone who comments on someones physical flaws to their face deserves to be verbally slaughtered in return.


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'So this girl probably had no idea that mentioning your hairloss was going to upset you so much. Maybe she did'nt mind mentioning it because in her mind it was not that big a deal'

I could not agree more with this..people spend so long on this forum complaining that other non-balding people dont at all understand the impact of hair loss, but then contradict themselves by actually expecting those same people to understand everything about its impact by tiptoeing around it and never mentioning it, and deeming them 'b****s' or 'assholes' when they dont. I was not there when the woman made the comment and so i cannot assess the context, but to me it just reads like she was making a simple and honest observation, that was not loaded with personal criticism or malice; by this i mean that although she may have said that you look older because of your receding hairline, and although this may seem like criticism, I dont think that this criticism can be attributed to her as an individual and by extension i dont think it marks her out as a 'b**ch'. A receding hairline making you look older is a fact of life; to me it is as obvious as 2+2=4; It is not a critical opinion invented by that woman for the purpose of hurting you. Its just the way it is.


I agree with zack. Unless she said it maliciously then I wouldn't worry. And believe it or not, a lot of girls don't mind receding hairlines. If given a choice between two identical guys and one Norwood 1 and one being Norwood 3, obviously they're taking the NW1, but no two people are identical. I don't know if you're a unique and/or special and/or interesting person, but if you are, you have nothing to worry about.


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howardjjj said:
l work wth a big fat woman who said to me ....well at least my hair isnot receeding...l said ..if having my jaw wired would help my hairloss ..l wouldnt whats your excuse ??? ....she started balling all over the office and guess who came out the bad guy and got into trouble over insensitive comments!!! :lol:

I really don't understand that comment. Jaw wired? What does that mean?

A similar situation happened to me but only in a dream I had.

Now that I think about it, I'll make my own thread about it. I don't want to take this thread off topic.

Back to topic: Everybody is saying either that: The girl was a b**ch, or that Bald Dave was overreacting to a non-malicious comment.

I think bald men are just overly sensitive about their hair. Even the slightest comment can make me feel down for a week or so. Sometimes I'm not sure if the comment was directed at me, but I'll naturally assume so when somebody looks at my hair and mumbles something. It's a very upsetting thing to be talked about, I'm sure if you made fun of a fat person, they'd feel almost exactly like you are now. They'd probably think "I'd trade all my hair to be skinny."

Just to get things into perspective, I know I complain a lot about male pattern baldness and how completely fucked up it is, how we're so unlucky to have it. But anybody with any symptom will feel the same way. Some learn to live with it, others break down because of it. Anything slightly off normal will go hand in hand with self-conciousness.


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I don't know about that Person_123.. I mean if working out 2 hours a day would solve my hair loss I would be working out 6 hours a day. I mean there is a difference between something you are born with and can't change and something that can definitely be worked at. Nearly all genetic dispositions for being overweight can be overcome with some work.

JayMan said:
If given a choice between two identical guys and one Norwood 1 and one being Norwood 3, obviously they're taking the NW1, but no two people are identical. I don't know if you're a unique and/or special and/or interesting person, but if you are, you have nothing to worry about.
I don't know about that either. I have actually met some girls who said they like some kind of male pattern baldness hairline because it's very masculine. This isn't just them talking to be and being nice either.

But along with the original poster I think it's the age thing that causes the most problems. For me I wouldn't care if I lost my hair when i was 30+ years old, but now it just ruins things socially. With guys they make fun of it, and with strangers they think i am 5-10 years older than I am... I actually think most girls that are worth caring about wont really judge you on a hairline though.


When I was reading this for the first time I was like:"What a stupid sl*t....." But then I thought to myself. "At least she was honest!" I think you can´t blame for telling the truth. She is fat so her opinion wouldn´t matter to me anyways.....


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Caerus said:
I think it's the age thing that causes the most problems. For me I wouldn't care if I lost my hair when i was 30+ years old.

Trust me you'd still care, maybe it would'nt effect you as quite much but 30 isn't old most 30 yr olds still have good nw1.5 - 2's.


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howardjjj said:
l work wth a big fat woman who said to me ....well at least my hair isnot receeding...l said ..if having my jaw wired would help my hairloss ..l wouldnt whats your excuse ??? ....she started balling all over the office and guess who came out the bad guy and got into trouble over insensitive comments!!! :lol:

and as you say 'you're currently wearing a hairpiece', i guess she cant tell....which must give you confidence.

mind you we used to have a guy at our workplace who would wear a toupee some days and go bald on others....never really understood that one???


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s.a.f said:
Caerus said:
I think it's the age thing that causes the most problems. For me I wouldn't care if I lost my hair when i was 30+ years old.

Trust me you'd still care, maybe it would'nt effect you as quite much but 30 isn't old most 30 yr olds still have good nw1.5 - 2's.

Well I'm sure I wouldn't be totally comfortable with it, but as just a personal account I don't really worry about appearance a whole lot. I mean just the way it looks doesn't bother me so much but it's really distressing looking so old at 20, and I think it would fit a lot more at 30.


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don't be polite with women, be honest. You'll get much further with women by being honest. And yes, people will say stuff like that. When I was 17 in high school a guy on my track team out of the blue said "you have a receeding hairline!"

I had my wisdom teeth out, and I was very swollen and worked the next day, and a freaking ADULT, some guy in his 40s started making fun of me. I could have had some disease and an adult stranger walked up and started making fun of me to my face..

People just do stuff like that.

Bald Dave said:
Okay so I am thinning like hell! That doesn't make me a bad person nor does it make me any less of a man! But when I go out people always comment about it! Okay at first it never used to bother me but now its starting to get me down!

The other day I went to this bar and I got talking to a girl and she asked me to guess her age! She looked about 30 but to be polite I said that she looked 25! She was quite pleased with that comment because she said she was 28. I then asked how old do you think I am and she said its hard to tell because in the face I look 25 (which is my age) but because I am receeding I look 30! I thought what a b****! She obvioulsy looked older than 25 but I wanted to be polite but she couldn't be polite back and not mention that I am receeding! She was fat as well and I didn't say lose some weight and you'll look younger! Its not my fault that I am receeding but its her fault that she is fat!


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ginald said:
mind you we used to have a guy at our workplace who would wear a toupee some days and go bald on others....never really understood that one???

maibe he had his toupee at the dry cleaners :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Jojje said:
ginald said:
mind you we used to have a guy at our workplace who would wear a toupee some days and go bald on others....never really understood that one???

maibe he had his toupee at the dry cleaners :lol: :lol: :lol:

another toupee true tale:

when i used to play football, we had another rug wearer in the team. on this particular day he upset one of the opponents who consequently threatened to "fill him in" after the game.

the offended opponent got showered and changed extra quick after the match and waited outside our changing rooms for his quarry to come out.

of course he never got his man.....unbeknown to him, jimmy got cleaned up, put his wig on and walked right past the guy, who never suspected a thing!!

see.....being bald does occasionally come in handy.


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recboi said:
don't be polite with women, be honest. You'll get much further with women by being honest. And yes, people will say stuff like that. When I was 17 in high school a guy on my track team out of the blue said "you have a receeding hairline!"

I had my wisdom teeth out, and I was very swollen and worked the next day, and a freaking ADULT, some guy in his 40s started making fun of me. I could have had some disease and an adult stranger walked up and started making fun of me to my face..

People just do stuff like that.

Bald Dave said:
Okay so I am thinning like hell! That doesn't make me a bad person nor does it make me any less of a man! But when I go out people always comment about it! Okay at first it never used to bother me but now its starting to get me down!

The other day I went to this bar and I got talking to a girl and she asked me to guess her age! She looked about 30 but to be polite I said that she looked 25! She was quite pleased with that comment because she said she was 28. I then asked how old do you think I am and she said its hard to tell because in the face I look 25 (which is my age) but because I am receeding I look 30! I thought what a b****! She obvioulsy looked older than 25 but I wanted to be polite but she couldn't be polite back and not mention that I am receeding! She was fat as well and I didn't say lose some weight and you'll look younger! Its not my fault that I am receeding but its her fault that she is fat!

not if you give them the peoples eyebrow