its been very long and no real...


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Its been very long and no real improvements. I am only receding in the front...I am a norwood 2. What other things should i add other than the big 3? Also, when is it time to give up on certain products of the regimen? I still lose hairs on a daily basis, its not that much though. Thanks.


If 6 months of minoxidil, finasteride and nizoral haven´t given you new hair where there was no hair then drop minoxidil and stay on nizoral and finasteride. Instead of minoxidil go with Revivogen to maintain.

There is no point in pouring sh*t on your head that shouldn´t be there in the first place if it does nothing for you.

Within a couple of years hairloss will be cured - not baldness, hairloss - and coupled with that they will be able to plant new hair. If your hair looks ok today then go with it if it needs alot of new hairs to look ok then shave it and wear it with pride.

Read Gardners posts - they are quite uplifting.


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Its been about 2 years...and in the beginning i did notice vellous hairs around the temples then they just died out and now my hair has shown no improvement It just sucks but im gettin over the whole balding thing...doesnt bother me as much. will it be cured...please i missing something here or havent heard of something...thanks.


They know how to take a stem cell and turn it into a hair follicle. They need to work out some other things - remodeling I think and insertion and then they will be able to take your own stemcells and turn them into hair follicles and insert them into your scalp. It won´t be a hair transplant it will be a cell Transplant.