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How long must a hair be gone before Propecia can't save it? I've noticed many of my hairs are becoming INCREDIBLY fine, and I'm losing a mixture of thick dark hairs and finer hairs when I lose any. Are these fine hairs the sort of hairs that propecia will have an easy time restoring? Do I have a good chance of making these thinner hairs into thicker, darker hairs (using finasteride)? This ALONE would make a gigantic cosmetic difference in my hair, as I don't seem to be LOSING the hairs, so much as watching them become less and less significant. And for the hairs that HAVE disappeared, again, how long must they be gone (roughly) before Propecia can't restore them?

Thanks in advance for any responses!


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Propecia and Minoxidil are very good at restoring thinning hairs to cosmetic normalcy. In fact, that is what those 2 drugs do best.


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Since I'm not on minoxidil, and really don't WANT to start using it (as well as not being able to afford the combination), would Propecia do a good job by itself? I'm adding Nizoral to the mix as well, so my regiment would be finasteride and nizoral, really don't wanna add minoxidil until absolutely necessary...


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Deaner said:
I don't seem to be LOSING the hairs, so much as watching them become less and less significant.

This is how hairloss happens.

finasteride and Min will work to thicken these hairs.

However, how much they are restored, and how many of them are restored, is up to chance.