its over, its all over.


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I'm stressing and i'm at the end guys.

What the hell is happening, I'm convinced this cannot be normal. I'm constantly losing hair, like my hairloss is now getting visibly worse every damn day. Surely this isnt normal. I've just stopped kirkland liquid minoxidil and finasteride a few days ago after a year as my hair was getting so much worse. I originally got on them before the loss was even a problem, just slight thinning around the temples but now, i'm screwed. This loss was before I stopped the finasteride/min.

I'm planning on starting on the rogaine foam and have started taking dutas a few days ago but can finasteride/dutas make hairloss worse, I mean a gave it a full year, actually a bit over a year and my loss just keeps increasing and increasing. I dont know what to do, i mean I got on the big 3 when I still had pretty much a full head of hair and now I've had to shave it real short and have no temples, hairline and the entire top of head is see through to scalp. What the hell should I do, I'm worried the treatment is only causing greater loss but too scared to go off them. I've also developed a slight red rash type thing around my nose (under eyes).

I'm so done, a year ago everything was great, now I dont even leave the house, only for work and cant concentrate there (i'm actaully at work now) and my girlfriend (whos is absolutely beautiful, inside and out - a model) who I live with is getting so fed up of my constant moodiness and me checking my hair every 5 seconds muttering its not fair and never leaving the house (esp. after being pretty outgoing and always going out before). How can hair friggin ruin so much? I know there are many worse off people (with real disabilities etc) and I must seem pathetic and I hate myself for thinking like this but i cant help it, no matter how many times I (or my gf) tell myself its just hair its crippled me. Just cant beleive how fast and bad its happening, and even though I've been on the big three. I guess foam and dutas are my last chance but i can help but think the liquid and finasteride did nothing, and I mean nothing, no maintainance just unbelievable aggressive loss so what are these going to do. I've seriuosly lost all desire.


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KeyserSoza said:
I'm stressing and i'm at the end guys.

What the hell is happening, I'm convinced this cannot be normal. I'm constantly losing hair, like my hairloss is now getting visibly worse every damn day. Surely this isnt normal. I've just stopped kirkland liquid minoxidil and finasteride a few days ago after a year as my hair was getting so much worse. I originally got on them before the loss was even a problem, just slight thinning around the temples but now, i'm screwed. This loss was before I stopped the finasteride/min.

I'm planning on starting on the rogaine foam and have started taking dutas a few days ago but can finasteride/dutas make hairloss worse, I mean a gave it a full year, actually a bit over a year and my loss just keeps increasing and increasing. I dont know what to do, i mean I got on the big 3 when I still had pretty much a full head of hair and now I've had to shave it real short and have no temples, hairline and the entire top of head is see through to scalp. What the hell should I do, I'm worried the treatment is only causing greater loss but too scared to go off them. I've also developed a slight red rash type thing around my nose (under eyes).

I'm so done, a year ago everything was great, now I dont even leave the house, only for work and cant concentrate there (i'm actaully at work now) and my girlfriend (whos is absolutely beautiful, inside and out - a model) who I live with is getting so fed up of my constant moodiness and me checking my hair every 5 seconds muttering its not fair and never leaving the house (esp. after being pretty outgoing and always going out before). How can hair friggin ruin so much? I know there are many worse off people (with real disabilities etc) and I must seem pathetic and I hate myself for thinking like this but i cant help it, no matter how many times I (or my gf) tell myself its just hair its crippled me. Just cant beleive how fast and bad its happening, and even though I've been on the big three. I guess foam and dutas are my last chance but i can help but think the liquid and finasteride did nothing, and I mean nothing, no maintainance just unbelievable aggressive loss so what are these going to do. I've seriuosly lost all desire.
you don,t seem pathetic at all,i mean you have got on meds early and get worse thats really bad luck,i wish i could give some advice but i am going through the same thing although not as bad as you by the sounds of it.
this hair loss game is a f*****g joke it really messes guys like us up


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I don't think you quite get it. I haven't seen pics of your hair so I can't really say for sure....but your hair will get worse even with the meds. Everyone knows that. Why should you be any different? The key is I am guessing what you say is bad isn't all that bad especially since you said you started meds before hairloss was readily you may have lost hair but is it still decently thick on top and crown? your hair will get worse no doubt but at a much slower rate, that's the deal. So when you get on and off meds you are making it much worse.


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KeyserSoza said:
I'm stressing and i'm at the end guys.

What the hell is happening, I'm convinced this cannot be normal. I'm constantly losing hair, like my hairloss is now getting visibly worse every damn day. Surely this isnt normal.

Its completley normal ask any of the millions of guys around the world who are suffering from M.P.B.
You need to realise that you're just facing the exact same problems that we all face. And although it may be tough for you you'd better man up about it :smack: before your girlfreind decides she does'nt want to spend her life with a depressive recluse.


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dude... i was on generic minoxidil and had terrible results. Get on finasteride and rogaine foam and wait 3 months. Be sure to take pictures or you will go crazy wondering whether or not your hair is better or worse. Also I personally would recommend topical Spironolactone... it has stopped my shedding. Lastly use Nizoral 2-3 times a week and leave it in your hair for like 5-10 mins each time. I've been doing this and my hair has gotten so nice for a 24 yr old.


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I've just started the topical spironolactone with the dutas and taking MSM as well, i've been using Nizoral already twice a week but havent been leaving it in that long so I'll try that. Plus i'll be getting some foam so if this doesnt work well....who knows.

If the point of the meds is just to slow down the loss its crazy - firstly as it hasnt, at all, no way and second would it be worth it spending all this money. I would be happy just to stop it and perhaps grow a little bit back at the front.

god I wish, I just didnt care, I wish I could just let it go and actually live my life, you know. I always wonder when I see balding guys like me if they feel the same way or if they just deal with it. And I look at guys with great hair and remember a better time a year ago when it was me and think - you bastards. I just feel so ashamed of myself.


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Getting on with your life is probably gonna be the hardest thing, but you just have to force yourself. By the sounds of things everything else in your life is at a standstill because of that one thing - the hair loss. There's nothing you can do other than take your meds religiously and hope for the best. That's all we are doing. For some it will work, for some it won't. That's a part of life you will have to deal with constantly, not just with hair.

It is hard having dedicated a lot of time, money and effort treating your hair only to have the opposite effect. Just getting told to "man up" or "live with it" is f**ked, I know, but you gotta face the facts.... if your treatment does not work (I'd at least give it another year or two) you will have to accept it like millions of men around the world already do or have anyway. At least you can say you did everything you could.

Don't make the mistake of becoming a ball of depression. Stop thinking about it 24/7. Stop checking your hair every 5mins. Don't even bring up the subject of hair when you are with your girl. Pick a regimen and stick with it (for months). The more you stress over it the more hair you will lose and the more you will stress about it. You need to pick yourself up or you will lose more than just your hair.


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where can I get topical spironolactone?


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I saw your post and I can really relate to what you're going through. Sorry if this is depressing to read, but personally I'd like knowing someone else out there was becoming a home-hermit.

Im 19 and I live at home still with my Aunt who is also the only person that knows about my hairloss problem.

It's gotten so bad that since June I've dropped out of the course I was doing which was going to secure me a future and a lot of money. Just too pre-occupied with my hair 24/7. Around that time I broke up with my partner. I just couldn't handle, because he was very attractive and when we met I was up-myself and super confident.

When I was all "up" myself I got a job in a high end fashion store, where I still work now but cannot avoid mirrors. I'm constantly having to style my hair really crazily just to make it look "ok" for the company's image.

Now all I do is, too, stay at home every single day. Except for when I'm working, I'm sitting on the net or watching TV. All of my friends are getting either annoyed or confused as to why I've suddenly become so reclusive.

Hair loss is a terrible problem for us. :( For most other problems, most people slowly recover and become stronger. Hair loss depletes the most vulnerable of us of all of our energy and slowly alters our personality, confidence, outlook and therefore quality of life. It doesn't do this to everyone, mind you. But for those of us who were/are superficial, or relied on looks more than normal, who have anxiety or depression already, who were bullied at school, are of a different sexuality, are younger- who have no established career, family or life goals...

It can be the final crutch.


Hey Keyser,

you have got all my sympathy. It would kill me to see it only getting worse in spite of being on treatments.

But there is also hope. You have a wonderful girlfriend, many of us can´t claim the same. We are balding and single.

But I also see why you are scared if she is indeed a model she is meeting a lot of good looking (male) people and then she comes home and sees her balding, not so pretty (anymore) boyfriend. I am sure she doesn´t only love your looks but I assume hairloss is also having an impact of your personality. You have to make sure that this won´t happen, losing your hair AND your girlfriend.

How long are you dating? Did you ever think about marriage?

I wish you all the best, mate and good luck with the other treatments.


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TheGlamorous said:
I saw your post and I can really relate to what you're going through. Sorry if this is depressing to read, but personally I'd like knowing someone else out there was becoming a home-hermit.

It's gotten so bad that since June I've dropped out of the course I was doing which was going to secure me a future and a lot of money. Just too pre-occupied with my hair 24/7. Around that time I broke up with my partner. I just couldn't handle, because he was very attractive and when we met I was up-myself and super confident.

Is it any wonder that there is a social stigma to baldness when we act like this. :shakehead:

This is a bit hypocritical of me because I'm guilty of acting this way during my 20's but take it from someone who's been there you will end up in your 30's with no mates and no memories. There is more to you than your hair so just try and get on with life.

Spec you are f*****g things up for yourself, trust me you will regret this in the future. All you are doing is sabotaging your chances of living a good life. If your freinds dont care about your hairloss then you should really try to get out there and enjoy life with them. No offence but I dont want you to end up another Taug.


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Thanks for all your comments, the empathy and advice. And you're all right. I know I shouldnt be feeling like this, I keep telling myself - mate its only hair, its only hair stop being so damn superfical. But god I just cant see though it. And Glamorous, I feel you buddy, I really do and you got it spot on.

When i was growing up at high school I was quite the ugly duckling, always put down etc etc, I'm sure you've heard this all before but the point is I hated the way I looked and to deal with it I used to constantly change the only thing I could, my hair. Things eventually did a 180 and my awkward looking-ness faded and have had quite a successful time with women. So while outwardly my confidence was there inside I was still always a self consious and pretty depressed person but mostly my mood depended on my hair, if I thought it was looking good then I thought i was looking good and felt good, kinda sad i know. But I was also a bit of a jerk, esp. to women, I think that was my way of dealing with the treatment i got when I was a bit younger and as I was getting lucky all the time I just though I could. So i guess in a way, hairloss has made my a better person, I know it sounds BS but its honestly true, I'm a lot more considerate of people and a lot less judging, also the little things I used to be insecure about dont matter that much anymore, If I only just had hair my life would be almost perfect - heh, thats going to be quoted I know, I wonder how many times I and others have said that before (usually standing in the mirror rubbing your head).

Lucky for me though I met my current girl just over two years ago (I'm 25 and she is 22) and we are living together. She has said many a time she would like to marry me and is constantly telling me how much she loves me and how it doesnt matter about my hair,so I'm very thankful for that. Although before this she would say when she first met me she talked to me cuase she thought I was hot, arrogant and had the best hair she'd ever seen . So I'm just worried that now, and also the fact that she is that damn gorgeous, when we walk in to a bar (well when we did go out) she would have so many guys try and crack on to her, I used to just laugh but now, not so sure. Secondly, I do actually really love this girl, and i've been such a jerk in the past, this could be karma and she's getting ready to twist the knife. She's got a great personality too but my OCD related male pattern baldness is driving us apart.

As you say though, this probably does affect people differently but for people like us, its hell. It not only affects your appearance but your whole damn life. I was on my way to a successful life (ironically I'm an lab analyst for Merck) but I'm not the same guy I was. I'm constantly thinking whats the point of that (getting a better job, going overseas etc) if i've got no hair and hate the way i look. God it pisses me off that I feel like this but I cannot change how i feel no matter how hard I try. Yes my mates have definitely noticed the change in me and esp. my GF, who knows why. When they go out, anywhere, I just say I feel sick and stay at home and fight back the tears (god thats hard to admit and would never tell my mates that). I just feel sad for her as well as I'm constantly staying inside (my PS3 is now my life) and she doesnt really like going out without me (a good thing i guess) but also as our once fantastic sex life is also gone, she is always up for it but as I feel so crap about myself I never am and she doesnt understand that and she thinks its becuase of her. Its getting so bad I cant even go visit my family I'm so worried about it, and as if they'd care. Oh what a mess, please god just give me my hair back or let me know bloody care. Its weird a few years ago if I thought I'd be living with a model, had a great job and owned a PS3 I would have thought I'd have the perfect life, but I'm so so depressed/upset its hard to go on sometimes. Note - I do realise how sickly self absorbed and ungrateful that sounds.

Anyway sorry for the war and peace epic, just gets so hard sometimes and I'm at my wits end. FYI i've had a total regimen change. Still cant belive that after using the big 3 my hairloss is just getting worse, i would ahve been happy just to maintain, now its buzz cuts for me. My new regimen of Dutas and topical spironolactone and MSM was started about 10days ago (i stopped proscar and generic min). I've started insane shedding now esp. in front, but I'm hoping thats a good sign as although my hairloss was accelarating on the big 3 for some strange reason I never noticed a shed or my hairs actually falling out. Still unsure how it could be too helpful seeing as finasteride did absolutely nothing. I;m probably going to try the rogaine foam as well but want to give my body time to adjust to one new treatment first before starting another. Also can anyone give a good way to ppost some photos and I'll see if I can. Going to doctors today to get checked out and blood test to rule out anything serious as I've also had a slight red rash around my nose and eyes for a while now and also suffer depression and constant fatique and theres a recipe for disaster, its all probably male pattern baldness related though. Have a great day guys.


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Dude you're def taking a step in the right direction. The Rogaine will def give you more hair back so I would get on that asap. Do it all at once and expect the shedding to stop in 1-3 months. I use to post my images and its quite easy to use.

Ragin Demon- I get my spironolactone from Dr. Lee at and I find it quite easy to use. I use the 2% liquid everywhere and the 5% cream at my hairline.


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Good job, model girlfreind, freinds inviting you out all the time? Better come to terms with your hairloss before you lose all that aswell.


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TheGlamorous said:
I saw your post and I can really relate to what you're going through. Sorry if this is depressing to read, but personally I'd like knowing someone else out there was becoming a home-hermit.

Im 19 and I live at home still with my Aunt who is also the only person that knows about my hairloss problem.

It's gotten so bad that since June I've dropped out of the course I was doing which was going to secure me a future and a lot of money. Just too pre-occupied with my hair 24/7. Around that time I broke up with my partner. I just couldn't handle, because he was very attractive and when we met I was up-myself and super confident.

When I was all "up" myself I got a job in a high end fashion store, where I still work now but cannot avoid mirrors. I'm constantly having to style my hair really crazily just to make it look "ok" for the company's image.

Now all I do is, too, stay at home every single day. Except for when I'm working, I'm sitting on the net or watching TV. All of my friends are getting either annoyed or confused as to why I've suddenly become so reclusive.

Hair loss is a terrible problem for us. :( For most other problems, most people slowly recover and become stronger. Hair loss depletes the most vulnerable of us of all of our energy and slowly alters our personality, confidence, outlook and therefore quality of life. It doesn't do this to everyone, mind you. But for those of us who were/are superficial, or relied on looks more than normal, who have anxiety or depression already, who were bullied at school, are of a different sexuality, are younger- who have no established career, family or life goals...

It can be the final crutch.

I know how you feel, but the truth is the more you become reclusive, the more depressed you would become.

I'd suggest you go out and have fun!


s.a.f said:
Good job, model girlfreind, freinds inviting you out all the time? Better come to terms with your hairloss before you lose all that aswell.

I agree, your life is so much better than mine. I envy you.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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Sounds to me like the only person who sees this as a problem is you. Your beautiful girlfriend is obviously not embarrased to be seen in public with you. In fact it sounds like she's very proud to be seen with you, when you actually go out with her. Same with your friends. Why should you care what strangers think? Go out and have fun. You have a great life aside from losing your hair. I find for me, my hairloss always seems to bother me, but when I get out, especially when I'm talking to an attractive woman, I start to acknowledge the good parts of my life. In those moments, the good parts in life definitely outweigh hairloss. The pain of hairloss may never go away, but make sure you take the good with the bad, or you'll always be depressed.