I've Had 4 Online Consultations With Transplant Clinics. What Do You Think Bruh's?


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So I've consulted with 4 different clinics in the last week, and I wanted to share with you what is being recommended, and get your input on what I'm being told.

For those of you who aren't following me and my story, I'm NW2.5-3, looking to get an FUE procedure done to restore my temples and reinforce my forelock for a youthful hairline. There are pics of my situation here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/threads/kjs-story.99955/

Keep in mind these consultations are all based on photos, and none of these docs have actually seen me in person. I haven't listed price quotes, because I don't want that to play a major role in my decision on the right surgeon. I really just want the best surgery and end result.

Dr. Konior:
1200-1500 grafts, dense packing approximately 40-50 follicular units per square centimeter. Says I appear to be a good candidate based on my isolated frontal loss and the appearance of an excellent donor supply.

Dr. Feriduni:
1400-2000 follicular units for reconstruction of / add density to zone 1, 2, and beginning of 3

Dr. Rahal:
1800 grafts. 45-50 grafts per square centimeter

Dr. McGrath:
This was actually a skype session with a dude who's a representative of the company. I guess that's how you start the process with them. He told me to do more research and then he'd set up a skype session with Dr. McGrath himself. He suggested I would need less than 2000 grafts, for which there is a flat rate. He also spent much of it talking down FUE, and saying FUT would produce better density. He says that doctors who put 45-50 individual grafts per square centimeter are essentially ruining your scalp, because the follicles compete for blood flow and will not grow how they are supposed to. He says they do this to up the graft count and charge their patients more...not sure if I should be concerned about this or not, as it pretty much contradicts what I've heard, and what these other surgeons are recommending.

At the moment I'm leaning towards Dr. Rahal. The experience so far with correspondence with his staff has been very pleasant and helpful, and I also like the idea of having the procedure done in North America.


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you are Norwood 1.5-2 I am nw3 and your situation is my goal lol


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you are Norwood 1.5-2 I am nw3 and your situation is my goal lol

I'm DEF not anywhere close to 1 territory. My temples are bald...I'm 2.5 at best


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you are Norwood 1.5-2 I am nw3 and your situation is my goal lol

Was just looking over the treatment plan from Dr. Rahal, and he has me classified as NW3


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Konior: $11,200-$13,600 for 1200-1500 grafts FUE
Feriduni: 7623-10,890 (Euro) for 1400-2000 grafts FUE
Rahal: 16,159 Canadian = $12,222 US for 1800 grafts FUE
McGrath: flat rate $6200(I think this is what he said) for FUT(which this dude was really pushing) under 2000 grafts, or $8000 for FUE

I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with Rahal, not because of the price, but I'm just feeling the best about it.


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Did McGrath say they would fill your scar with FUE?

Isn't the scar the main disadvantage of FUT?


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Yeah, the McGrath dude said if the scar was an issue Dr. McGrath would cover it with FUE free of charge in a later procedure.


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Konior, Feriduni and Rahal are pretty much the best in the biz so I'm sure you'll have a great result with any.


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I would go with Dr Rahal myself now that Turkey is too dangerous to travel. I am surprised he did not quote you with a higher graft count for your Norwood level. I think sometimes when most doctors diagnose your Norwood level, its where they think you will be heading in the future as you did not look like a solid Norwood 3 just yet.


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Be prepared to have your entire frontal third shaved.

Rahal will be reinforcing your frontal portion ontop of the BALD areas


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Did McGrath say they would fill your scar with FUE?

Isn't the scar the main disadvantage of FUT?

the scar is the ONLY disadvantage of FUT.


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the scar is the ONLY disadvantage of FUT.

Get a FUT and you can forget about being able to get amazing haircuts like this:


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just cant have a hide fade.

can do a low fade though.


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Used to be my avvy on here.

I do a variation of that cut due to a dodgy hairline but otherwise thick hair. Looking forward to flaunting the hairline with this exact style after my hair transplant though!

When I was in the army everyone was trying to rock this cut, with varying levels of success lol