I've just reluctantly had my head shaved again



Looking at the (July 4th) photo's I’ve just taken, they could potentially deceive people into thinking that my hair isn’t that bad.

Anyone else get this once they shave it?

Sadly, when it grows out it looks awfully thin and un-styleable

Every angle/lighting tells a different story.

This is so tiring, not to mention annoying.

I’ve been on finasteride for 1 year, 2 months now. Had more loss. Not good. I’ve been religious with it as well.

Not much of a reward.

Starting and stopping minoxidil last year didn't help. It helped confuse things, that's all.

Been back on minoxidil 6 months now, re-started again at Xmas after stopping for 4 months and going through a mammoth shed (as you can see in the pictures from Sept-Nov ‘03).

Again, so far, It hasn’t' worked as well as the 1st time around, so I don't know. Seen some improvement, but nothing great.

All I do know is, I can't grow my hair out because it looks horrible after about 1cm of growth. Not good.

Those pics do not tell the true story of how it looks once it's grown out a bit.

Sadly, I have started a fund for a hair transplant. I'll be putting money away each week because in a year or maybe 2, I'll go down that root, because this shaving the head lark doesn’t work on me. Besides, like all of us, I want acceptable hair. Mine isn’t. Not to me.

I've put away £800 so far. Each week I'll put away £80 and perhaps put it to use when I'm 25/26.

I don’t know. I can imagine myself at the airport flying to Seattle to go to H&W. I cringe thinking about it.

Anyway, that's it. Things still downhill on a personal note - it all started from when my male pattern baldness became noticeable you won‘t be surprised to hear. Even though I’d act the normal, I’d be treated differently. As a lesser person you could say. This fact hurt.

Ands that’s why I have an issue with it. People see it (hairloss) as somewhat of a weakness and will take advantage of it. However, as much as this makes my blood boil at times, you have to get on with it.

Also being perceived as a criminal? That’s my fault possibly. At the end of the day, maybe I should smile more, but it’s hard to smile when 2 years ago you didn’t have a have a chemical-reliant mess on your head.

But hey, at the end of the day, at least we won't die from this. That’s why I prefer to grin and bare it and never moan in person about losing hair.

So many young kids dying, getting abused etc. It would be selfish to moan about losing my hair.

I know it's can get depressing, but it's just a case of knowing what's happening and treating it.


Thats fuckin terrible! the arsenal jersey, that is :D Benitez is the man.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Your hair looks good and I'm being honest. I shave my head every 5days with a zero blade and from a distance my hair looks like beckhams but up close its sh*t and completely thin. By the third day, my hair loss is quite visible. I know how you feel but your hair is far better than mine. I'm finding it real hard lately. Its sh*t losing your hair at 19, especially when my mates constantly rip the piss out me. I could pick at their insecurities all day but I don't.
I've noticed over the past few months that whenever my mother talks to me she stares at my hair, and not just for a few seconds but minutes on end. It really pisses me off and now I feel that whenever someone is talking to me they're looking at my hair. My sister told me I'm losing my hair today, the first person in my family to say it to me. They keep asking why I shave my head so often, every fifth day for the last 8months, like they have to ask. Its basically rubbing salt into the wound.


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On a totally unrelated note, anyone who used to shave their head when they didn't need to and now wishes they'd lived it up when they had a full head of hair?


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hey gunner, i can relate. i have about $6,000 saved for a hair transplant. sadly, since i want to do fue and also use body hair, i estimate it'll be around $30,000 to get the results i want. i won't have that type of money saved for another 3 years, if that.


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Deaner said:
On a totally unrelated note, anyone who used to shave their head when they didn't need to and now wishes they'd lived it up when they had a full head of hair?

Yeah, but if someone liked the shaved look so much that they did it before they started losing their hair, I doubt that hairloss would bother them too much.


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Are you really willing to spend 30,000 dollars to get your hair back?


23 Kenny, almost 24.

You're 19? That's a hard one.

I started noticing mine at 21.

Then denial started.

I started doing something just over a year ago.

My mum doesn’t say anything - even though the problem has become obvious. That's not her fault though, it's probably just her way of handling things.

It took for me to muster up the guts and talk to her about it. God I felt a tit, but it had to be done.

Just stick to minoxidil if you've started it. Don't dare stop, you'll go through a killer shed. "You're way to young for a hair transplant" people say, but I have heard of people your age going for them. Whether they were a success though, I don't know.


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blue said:
Are you really willing to spend 30,000 dollars to get your hair back?

you only live once, and you can't take money with you when you're gone. so, sure. if i have th emoney, why not? i'm not planning to get married any time soon, and i'd like to get as much tail as possible.


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Pics look great...you're way ahead of the ball if u get started now. Hows your dads dome look?