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Or so it seems.

Last year, especially from October-June I was shedding at a really bad rate, would have over a dozen hairs on each palm running hands through and at least 2x worse in the shower. Itching was intense too. Itch is still there (just not as bad). But I've had itchy hair and dandruff all my life no matter what I do. Now I can run my hair through my hair all day and would be (un)lucky to see 2 strands of hair on my hands or palms. This has been like this for about a month so hopefully it stays this way.

I can still pass for a "full head of hair" to most people, I'd say NW1.5-2, but temples definitely thinned in the last year. Crown is still intact for the most part. I'm not running anything besides nizoral 2x a week, was doing topical spironolactone and emu oil EOD but got lazy with that and stopped. I have an unopened pack of finasteride (Proscar) on my shelf that I was so close to starting, but gonna put that off for as long as possible now.



Established Member
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Congratulations. Do you have any pictures?
Thanks man.
Just snapped these, had a haircut earlier in which the barber "shaped up" my hairline, so to speak.

It's not the best hairline in the world, but if I can maintain this for a while and grow it out I'll be content. Plus it's nice not seeing a enough hair to cover a monkey on your hands every time you run them through your hair.



Experienced Member
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Unsure of your situation or what you think your suffering from, but your hair looks normal to me. I was gonna say you have a high hairline, but looking at the third picture looks pretty normal.


Established Member
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Unsure of your situation or what you think your suffering from, but your hair looks normal to me. I was gonna say you have a high hairline, but looking at the third picture looks pretty normal.
Thanks man,

I know it seems "much to do about nothing" especially when compared to other people on here, but believe me, The amount of shedding I was experiencing before was very alarming, even people around me had noticed my temples receding, especially my left one (the opposite one to the 3rd pic). I tried topical spironolactone, topical oils like coconut and emu, voodoo diet regimens (went paleo for 7 months straight, no grains or dairy) just in an effort to try figure something out rather than resort to finasteride. Of course these attempts were all in vain. I bought Proscar and was gonna start at 1.25mg a day, but decided to hold off the decision and miraculously out of nowhere shedding stopped.

Also worth noting that it may well have possibly been a case of Telogen Effluvium instead of male pattern baldness. My reasons for thinking this is that during these months I was at a very low point in my life and was also take anabolic steroids. I ceased used of said steroids 4 or 5 months ago and it has stopped over the last month, so this may well be a possibility. Although the way the hairloss pattern was occurring suggested male pattern baldness, rather than Telogen Effluvium. But who knows.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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It's important keep in mind that shedding does not equal miniaturization if treatments are working well for the individual. I still shed hairs when I apply topical treatments like Minoxidil and RU58841. Treatments like Minoxidil can tend to synchronize the life cycle of the hairs in some people, so a lot of them will shed at the same time while beginning a new life cycle all at once.


Established Member
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The hairline looks pretty perfect to me..
The barber did "shape up" my hairline, so when I had it buzzed and hairline not tampered with, it was more apparent. But just glad I'm not shedding like a snake anymore.


It's important keep in mind that shedding does not equal miniaturization if treatments are working well for the individual. I still shed hairs when I apply topical treatments like Minoxidil and RU58841. Treatments like Minoxidil can tend to synchronize the life cycle of the hairs in some people, so a lot of them will shed at the same time while beginning a new life cycle all at once.

Thanks you AA for your helpful posts.

That's certainly true, shedding is completely normal even on treatments. Probably my "shed cycle" ended and I may start shedding at some point in the future. But the last few weeks I am relieved not to shed so many hairs and I have noticed a marked improvement in my overall mood.


Established Member
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so you were shedding for 9 months?
That's when I noticed accelerated and excessive shedding, yes. Was I shedding before that? Perhaps, but I never noticed it so it was probably just normal day-to-day shedding.


New Member
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congrats bro happy to hear that !

im suffering a similar case atm maybe you could help or give some advice ? :)?

i've recently grew my hair out quite a bit 7-8 cm and notice quite a bit of shedding (mainly during showers i can lose around 30-60 hairs) other than that when i run my hand throught my hair i get about 2-3 strands and on my pillow also around 4-5 i guess. but there is also this itch and burn feeling to it which is what freaks me out did you experince it too? (I think i have sebborhic derm tho but idk if that's the cause or is it male pattern baldness...)


Established Member
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congrats bro happy to hear that !

im suffering a similar case atm maybe you could help or give some advice ? :)?

i've recently grew my hair out quite a bit 7-8 cm and notice quite a bit of shedding (mainly during showers i can lose around 30-60 hairs) other than that when i run my hand throught my hair i get about 2-3 strands and on my pillow also around 4-5 i guess. but there is also this itch and burn feeling to it which is what freaks me out did you experince it too? (I think i have sebborhic derm tho but idk if that's the cause or is it male pattern baldness...)

Thanks bro!

Sorry to hear. For me I haven't actually changed anything in regards to what I use for my hair. Use shampoo maybe once every 2 weeks (Head and Shoulders) and use nizoral 1-2x a week (mostly once now, getting a little lazy lol). In regards to the scalp itch, I've always experienced it, even way before I started shedding. Always had it growing up along with really bad dandruff (which I also have to this day). Some days I don't feel an itch, some days a little. But on the whole it is OK. I'm not necessarily sure if itchy/burning scalp is always related with male pattern baldness but there seems to be some link, you'll probably get better info out of other people on here.

Take care :)


Senior Member
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Anybody with a masturbation tracker in his signature is full of it.


Established Member
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Anybody with a masturbation tracker in his signature is full of it.
Lol I just put it there as a joke, I don't even count. I've been called many things in real life, but "full of it" has never been one of them. Good day to you, sir :)

Edit: ^my boy JSmith120. We have an identical post count now :D


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Wow, look at those receded temples. You should look into a transplant if you want salvage them before it's too late. I'd estimate between 9k-12k grafts.