James Nesbitt hair transplant


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looks pretty good to me. good for him.


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Good results. I love the Daily Mail's comments section for their unbridled honesty.

A lot of people are posting that Prince William needs to get a hair transplant before his wedding, as he "used to be so dashing". :mrgreen:


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So he probably does look a bit better, but lets face it there are millions of people in a worse situation lookswise than him even if he went completely bald.


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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive ... areer.html

In the paper again.

He's very open and honest about his hair loss.

'Several years ago I began losing my hair, and like a lot of men it was a major concern to me - in fact, it was practically an obsession,' said James Nesbitt




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I dont understand why people are embarrased about getting a transplant any more than a woman getting botox, breast implants, lip injections, liposucition etc. I have told several people I will probably get a hair transplant in the future. I personally don't need anyone's approval and would rather telll them rather than try to hide it and then gain approval afterwards. Just my 2 cents.


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Men are not supposed to care. Women are.


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He looks great, why shouldn't we care just like women want bigger boobs and that's ok!

Heard that he did this with Blackrock in Ireland, they lare charging about 10 euros per graft for strip so a bit out of my range but sure looks good.


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Hairtransplantdude74 said:
He looks great, why shouldn't we care just like women want bigger boobs and that's ok!

The rules for women and men are not the same insecurity/vanity are feminine traits, confidence and self assurance are masculine traits.


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finfighter said:
s.a.f said:
The rules for women and men are not the same insecurity/vanity are feminine traits, confidence and self assurance are masculine traits.

Dude I hear you say this all the time, and while I partially agree with you, I feel that you take this to far. Our society holds superficial qualities at a pinnacle of importance. If a man gets his teeth whitened, or gets a trendy hair cut, or wears stylish clothes, it is embraced by our society, yet these things fall into the category of vain actions, yet they are not discouraged, they are embraced. As far as society is concerned, it is far more unacceptable for a young man to let himself go, than to be concerned with his self image (vanity).

But having a nice haircut or wearing nice clothes is a million miles away from resorting to surgery. They are 2 different extremes. hair transplant's are seen as falsisfying/cheating just like wearing a wig there will always be a stigma to it. And its more acceptable for a man to be natural with himself, look at Michael Jackson! Did people give him credit and admire him for trying to enhance his appearance?


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Where do you live? hair transplant is still surgery theres nothing natural about it. You're still altering your natural appearance. W
ere any of the procedures Jackson had any more extreme? Jackson ended up looking fucked up but all he was trying to do in his mind was improve his appearance like any guy who has a hair transplant is doing. You claimed that people would embrace and be accepting of that? But Jackson aside I still cant think of any man who has been given credit for plastic surgery, (I cant really think of any woman either).

And if actors, pop stars ect (whose looks/image is a major issue) dont get any respect then what chance a ordinary guy?


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Its not a medical procedure, its purely cosmetic. I did'nt say people would be repulsed but they would see it more in detriment than as a thing to be proud of doing. I dont think you'll ever see any guys bragging to girls about having a hair transplant. No girls going to think wow thats great. Theres a reason that practicly every hair transplant patient tries to hide the fact that they've had anything done. Guys wont even show their faces on this forum.


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finfighter said:
s.a.f said:
Its not a medical procedure, its purely cosmetic.

By definition it is a medical procedure.

A medical procedure is something thats done for health reasons, being bald is not detrimental to your health. Its 100% a cosmetic operation just like a facelift or boobjob.

finfighter said:
And aren't you the guy in your profile pic?
