Jason Gardiner is actually open about his transplant


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Lying in bed at my parents' home over Christmas, I felt my scalp tingling, as though tiny spiders were crawling all over it.
It was a sensation that would alarm most people, but I couldn't stop smiling.
Quite simply, it meant that my scalp — once a barren wasteland — was alive with activity and growth.
In short, the nine-hour hair transplant I had paid a small fortune for six months earlier was, finally, paying off........

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic ... diner.html


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Nice article but a couple of things:
He stopped producing a hormone and that caused his hair loss? That's nonsense.
I think he actually looked better bald, but I guess it's how he feels that matters.


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I kinda think bald suited him too, he has a good head shape and he suited that bald gay look (sorry to stereotype, but it's a common look *shrugs*).

I think in the side-by-side shot his with-hair photo looks a bit greasy and 'sleazy' looking. but it might just be an unfortunate shot.

I also wonder how much concealer he's using because he had very advanced balding so his transplanted hair can't be that dense.

Here's hoping more and more celebs are open about their hair transplants so there will be less and less stigma attached for the rest of us.