JASON Think to Thick users - some answers please!


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Ok, so I shampooed my hair with JASON Think to Thick for the first time yesterday...I have some questions...thanks!

1. Does this Shampoo cause shedding? Maybe not massive shedding, but do you lose a few more hairs than you normally would because of the strength? I think I read someone here asking this question a while back. Also, I read a couple people online state the shampoo was great but did cause a little shedding.

I lost a little more than I usually would after I applied it yesterday. Not a lot though so it could have just been coincidence. I mostly noticed a few extra hairs on the comb. I am also using Folligen, Nano Shampoo a couple times a week, and Nizoral every other day.

2. Could it be that it takes a little while for hair to get used to new products?

3. I am on Propecia as well btw...but do you guys think using Nizoral, Nano Shampoo, Folligen (few times a week) and Jason Think to Thick is too much? Is this too strong of a topical regiment? I assume no, but just making sure.

4. For the users, in your opinion, can this shampoo be used every day, or is it too strong?

5. How would I use Nizoral AND Jason in the morning? Do I apply Nizoral first...wait 5 minutes..rinse out...apply Jason think to thick..rinse out? What is the procedure here? And again, is this too powerful of a combo back-to-back?

Sorry for the questions guys!


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Hi. I just started using Jason's Thin to Thick about three weeks ago now. What I did was shampoo exclusively with Jason's for the first week. Now I'm alternating between it and another organic shampoo I'm trying out. I've put a hold on Nizoral for the time being, seeing as Jason's has salicylic acid like in T/Sal. I figured a combo between nizoral and Jason was just too much for my hair to cope with right now. It's important to note that I was going through an aggressive shed for the past several months despite being on finasteride. The shedding has really stopped now that I'm using minoxidil and perhaps Jason's T2T has helped also.

I believe that any new shampoo will shock your hair depending on how sensitive your scalp is and the severity of your hair loss. Jason's T2T has been good for me so far, as I've noticed some cosmetic thickness. I think it's superior to Revita, which I also tried this summer.


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Jason Thin 2 Thick is nothing more than a cosmetic thickening shampoo. Theres no actual effect on the hair loss. It just coats the hair with a thickening material to give a cosmetic appearance of thicker hair. Theres no way that its going to interact with the chemical action of Nizoral.

That being said, I would recommend using nizoral every third day with NANO in between. I've been on that regimen along with finasteride and minoxidil (once a day) for 18 months. So far I've had a complete stoppage of hairloss and some substantial thickening.