Jayman said Bryan said something about B6 and Biotin.


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I forgot what the ideal oral B6 dose was, but biotin was 2.5mg/day, even though the RDA is 1% that. It only works orally. Jayman said Bryan sent him a study saying 70% of men taking just the biotin got moderate hair regrowth. Maybe this is already in another thread. I've been studying for a test.


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that's the one. Sounds cheap enough to add to my regimen, unless anyone knows of any possibility of biotin overdose. Anyone?


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I forgot what the ideal oral B6 dose was, but biotin was 2.5mg/day, even though the RDA is 1% that. It only works orally.

Since you're still relatively new to all this, you may not be familiar with the claims that were made by a doctor several years ago about topical biotin. He claimed that finely micronized biotin in a topical cream was rather effective at stimulating hair growth. In fact, I believe you can still buy the stuff, although I don't have a link handy. I've heard a positive anecdote or two about it over the years.

Here's a passage about the same biotin cream from the male pattern baldness chapter of Peason & Shaw's book "Life Extension" (page 217):

...In one series of tests of biotin in balding men, biotin was used instead of estrogen in a penetrating cream applied to the scalp. The biotin cream (which also contained niacin, vitamin B-3, a histamine releaser) was applied daily at bedtime. The biotin content was 0.25 to 1.0 percent. Histamine release, such as is triggered by niacin, is essential for cell growth and reproduction. Histamine release causes a normally healing wound to become red and itchy. In addition, a shampoo which contained various conditioners to reduce hair breakage and cystine, cysteine, and methionine (amino acids in hair) was used three times a week. There were no side effects with the biotin. Within six to eight weeks, 89 percent of the nearly 1,200 men in the study (ranging in age from 15 to 69) showed marked reduction in hair fallout, from losses of 100 to 350 hairs per day to a daily average loss of less than 50 hairs. Regrowth of hair also occurred in the biotin study. Although incomplete at the time the paper was published, preliminary data indicated that regrowth (150 to 200 3/4-inch or longer hairs per square inch in bald areas) occurred in about 50 to 75 percent of the subjects. Younger men in the study had better results.


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Bryan said:
... preliminary data indicated that regrowth (150 to 200 3/4-inch or longer hairs per square inch in bald areas) occurred in about 50 to 75 percent of the subjects. Younger men in the study had better results.

That sounds hard to believe, though worth trying. That is a huge study not to be very famous, though some people don't know about propecia. How can they know how many hairs fell out each day? Did they hang out in a lab for a few days at the end? Volunteers can't count. And less than 50 per day, on a 100,000 hair head, means 2000 days per hair cycle, so 5.5 years, though it is possible every hair got an extention on its existing cycle at the same time and just was not near telogen, most at the same time.

If I buy biotin, how stable is it and what pH is best? Yeah, this stuff is too cheap not to buy. I might even a little l-lysine in my minoxidil.


There's never been a reported case of a biotin overdose, CCS, so take that for what it's worth.

I'm going to take 5 mg per day of it because that's all I can find.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
How can they know how many hairs fell out each day? Did they hang out in a lab for a few days at the end? Volunteers can't count.

Don't have any idea, but Durk Pearson himself talks about his own efforts to stop his balding in that same chapter. He talks about measuring his own response to treatments by counting (or maybe ESTIMATING is a better word) his daily loss of hairs. He describes combing his hair several times a day, and saving all the loose ones that come out on the comb in a separate daily envelope. He claims to be able to see a noticeable decline in the number of hairs after a successful treatment.

collegechemistrystudent said:
If I buy biotin, how stable is it and what pH is best? Yeah, this stuff is too cheap not to buy.

You're talking about using it topically? Remember, having it MICRONIZED is a key issue. I doubt that just pulling open some biotin capsules and mixing it into a cream is going to do any good.

BTW, biotin itself very poorly dissolves in any common solvents. I think it _may_ dissolve reasonably well in DMSO, if I remember correctly from looking into that several years ago.



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Bryan said:
BTW, biotin itself very poorly dissolves in any common solvents. I think it _may_ dissolve reasonably well in DMSO, if I remember correctly from looking into that several years ago.


You are correct - Biotin does dissolve in DMSO.


Is it just as effective if taken orally? Is 5 mg per day too much to take?


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5mg is fine. There is no known issue with taking that amount. It is, as a matter of fact, how much I take as well.


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So orally or topically is equal in effectiveness?

Can anyone suggest where to buy from online?


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I'm planning to take Biotin to help improve hair condition. What else can I take? I've read about B, B Complex or something like that.

Can you please enlighten?

I'm trying to find other vitamins to complement MSM and biotin


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If you're going to take biotin as a supplement, don't eat raw eggs. They contain a protein called avidin that binds biotin and prevents it from being absorbed.

Hopefully, nobody here eats raw eggs, and if you do, there's something wrong with you.


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I just want to add to that: don't eat raw eggs if you don't take biotin, because then you will be deficient.

As for vitamins, the best you can do for your hair is take 1-2g of borage seed oil each day, some fish oil totalling 1-2g combined of EPA and DHA, grapeseed extract, apple poly, green tea extract, curcumin, and L-arginine. 500mg/day vitamin C will preserve the effects of L-arginine some. Put some of this stuff, except the arginine and vitamin C, on your head too, if you don't mind. I don't know how strong this stuff is, but it should help. Linoleic acid in its free form inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT topically. You can buy it here. https://citychem.readyhosting.com/produ ... ?Pid=L1052
those are mL and liters.