JeffsSS rant..


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Damn all the money and time i waste on my hair and still lose it........
I wish i could just buzz it off..
my problem is the size of my head, and oily skin.... seriously my skin secretes oil like no other, and it always has but with long spikey hair it's less noticable... now it's getting to the point where the first thing people see is my oily *** forehead.. dammit.........

oh, and I AM trying to do things about it:
benzoyl peroxide RX 10%
proactive w/oil prevention..

sucks.. I would buzz my hair if i knew i could stop my oily face.


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Lots of guys buzz their hair with high forheads.

You just have to get used to it.
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a andy is that picture showing us your improvement or are you showing us that its getting worse. im not sure but i think i can see your male pattern baldness pattern, correct me if im worng.


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newguytothisforum said:
a andy is that picture showing us your improvement or are you showing us that its getting worse. im not sure but i think i can see your male pattern baldness pattern, correct me if im worng.

That's my hair, buzzed down.

I'm not really quite sure about what Avodart is doing to my hair right now... having just gone through about 2 months of shedding, it seems to be calming down... I lose less than 20 hairs a day, without styling... so I guess that's an improvement.

I can say that my overall, holistic opinion of Avodart is broadly positive.


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jeffsss said:
Damn all the money and time i waste on my hair and still lose it........
I wish i could just buzz it off..
my problem is the size of my head, and oily skin.... seriously my skin secretes oil like no other, and it always has but with long spikey hair it's less noticable... now it's getting to the point where the first thing people see is my oily *** forehead.. dammit.........

oh, and I AM trying to do things about it:
benzoyl peroxide RX 10%
proactive w/oil prevention..

sucks.. I would buzz my hair if i knew i could stop my oily face.

If you want to make your skin less oily, use retin-a. If that's too harsh for you (even working up from smaller concentrations) you could use a retinol cream like Green Cream. I wouldn't recommend antibiotics, however, especially not long term.

Also, one effect of topical antiandrogens is sebum reduction, so i dunno, you could run an idea past Bryan or someone more knowledgeable, and see what spironolactone cream would do.

Just a couple of crazy suggestions :)


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I've been using genuine Avodart, once a day, since Dec. 2, 2005.

When you say " think it did a lot," are you talking about Tricomin or Folligen?

They're both good products.