Jim Jefferies - The Secret To Happiness


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Very nice video. Can relate.

I would rate him 6.5/10 though, he isn't 5 for sure.


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He is selling himself short. He calls his hair sh*t, while being borderline NW3 at f*****g 40. Better hair than me at 23, wonder what he would call my so called hair.

This guy calling himself just a 5 is a clear indication that he lacks self respect and has self esteem issues.


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"I get to f*** 6s"


We'll look it's a comedy performance.

By saying 5 for example he's humbly being comical, if he ventured towards 7 people wouldn't be on his side.


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comedian in self deprecating shocker


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I think a 5 is fairly realistic. He's an overall average looking guy, nothing wrong with that. N that's what a 5 is, dead center of the scale.


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He is selling himself short. He calls his hair sh*t, while being borderline NW3 at f*****g 40. Better hair than me at 23, wonder what he would call my so called hair.

40?? f*** I would do anything to end up with that hair at 40 f*** me. That guy doesn't know what truly sh*t hair means at early twenties.
If he's a 5, I'm a 3 and a quarter on good days.


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40?? f*** I would do anything to end up with that hair at 40 f*** me. That guy doesn't know what truly sh*t hair means at early twenties.
If he's a 5, I'm a 3 and a quarter on good days.

I should point out to you and Bateman that he firstly acknowledges he has hair, so it's like "hey I at least have hair- but it's sh*t hair... So that's why I'm a 5". That's the joke.

As if it wasn't ridiculous enough we go through silly adverts and comedy sketches with a fine tooth comb for "bald shaming", now even comedians are expected for their every word to be taken literally.

He's a comedian, he's fleeting and facetious to appeal to mass audiences. He's not up there reading from his biography.


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I should point out to you and Bateman that he firstly acknowledges he has hair, so it's like "hey I at least have hair- but it's sh*t hair... So that's why I'm a 5". That's the joke.

As if it wasn't ridiculous enough we go through silly adverts and comedy sketches with a fine tooth comb for "bald shaming", now even comedians are expected for their every word to be taken literally.

He's a comedian, he's fleeting and facetious to appeal to mass audiences. He's not up there reading from his biography.

You're wrong. This sketch wasn't even remotely a joke, it was a funny but very bitter satire.

This man is no banana-on-the-ground simpleton and I'll explain you why.

He abuses of the well-known attractiveness grading (used especially over the internet) to make it 'funny'. He uses the hyperbole, making the grading a life-encompassing concept, to convey an unveiling and vaguely rebellious and tragic (see the end) message. Hence why I consider this satire and not a joke. A joke is entirely made up. He's instead exaggerating a quite diffuse abomination of the superficiality of our society which is the grading of people. He even makes proper statistical assumptions that I read about a lot in legit sites like this one which are obsessed with appearance and aesthetics. This sketch was very funny, but EXTREMELY dark, which is one of the characteristics of proper satire.

While the sketch is hyperbolic, I consider many (not all) of the things he said to be quite sincere, because it is clearly satire and not a joke.
One of these is the hair one. Thus, if his is sh*t hair, mine is bloodied diarrhea hair. At 21.

One of the made up parts is the 'I slept with a two' one. In my opinion, the entire verse was made up to go up to the claw thing, which is one of the darkest parts of this satire: below average people are not considered people, they are monsters, and while the sketch is hyperbolic, we baldites DO know what the 'claw' in the sketch means.

Call me mad, but this all makes sense.


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He is not a 5

I would say 6.

5 to me is where you start to need plastic surgery to be decent looking.
6 is decent looking. Nothing wrong with him really for 40.

And I like how he told Peirs Morgan to
f*** off


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He is not a 5

I would say 6.

5 to me is where you start to need plastic surgery to be decent looking.
6 is decent looking. Nothing wrong with him really for 40.

And I like how he told Peirs Morgan to
f*** off

He is not a 5

I would say 6.

5 to me is where you start to need plastic surgery to be decent looking.
6 is decent looking. Nothing wrong with him really for 40.

And I like how he told Peirs Morgan to
f*** off
Wow, plastic surgery at a 5, just to be decent. I thought my scale my rough.


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personally MY FAVORITE Jefferies bit!

Im kidding, I like him. He used to go on O&A all the time.


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Wow, plastic surgery at a 5, just to be decent. I thought my scale my rough.


I think 10 is too large a scale
It's a little ridiculous

It gets too nuanced

Ther is
Decent looking (plain)
Good looking


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I think 10 is too large a scale
It's a little ridiculous

It gets too nuanced

Ther is
Decent looking (plain)
Good looking

you forgot trinary system
0/2 – creepers/not bangable
1/2 – beta, bangable by occasions (regretable)
2/2 – male models, chads

for females add extra point for "would bang after a few beers/only BJ"


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''I've got hair, but it's shitty hair''
He should se my hair!!
other than that, really funny video and depressing at the same time.

You're an 8.5, why is it depressing for you?


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You're an 8.5, why is it depressing for you?
Because I won't be an 8.5 in a few years once the aging process kicks in, and because this video reminds me of how looks-obsessed people really are. Besides, I'm not really an 8.5 with that ''hair'' of mine, either.
I can only imagine how my ''hair'' will look like in 5, let alone 20 years from now if this keeps going (which it will)
I'll probably be left with a small patch of hair on my nape (at best) and 10 strands spread evenly across the rest of my scalp LMAO