Jimmy Fallon father's day video


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Ouch... that hurts. I'm not sure what's worse, if it was scripted or if those were their real answers. That kid with the lettuce was pretty funny though.


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That wasn't scripted. Kids usually give unfettered responses like that. They're not fake or PC like adults can be


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Poor dads. They must feel so inadequate knowing how their kid sees them.


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That probably wouldn't make it on the show if Fallon was bald himself. Hell Fallon wouldn't make it this far with his own show if he was bald.


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I dislike how bald shaming is perfectly OK on TV. But if a kid made a comment about an overweight lady it would be cut out of the clip. Men's feelings are completely invalid/ignored. People just laugh in their faces. This needs to change, it's not fair!


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I dislike how bald shaming is perfectly OK on TV. But if a kid made a comment about an overweight lady it would be cut out of the clip. Men's feelings are completely invalid/ignored. People just laugh in their faces. This needs to change, it's not fair!

Then do something about it. Stop whining and make an initiative.


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Then do something about it. Stop whining and make an initiative.

Haha I swear. Most of the people complaining about this are too ashamed to even come out and declare that they are bald and defend themselves when such insults are dished out to them. How do you expect to defend others when you don't have the confidence to stand up for yourself.


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Actually, every time I see ANY kind of shaming I try to do something about it, something simple like talking it out with the people involved. I encourage you guys to do the same, you will feel good. There's my initiative.


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Well then good. For now it's the best we can do. Unless there's a baldness awareness revolution, which I think there should be. But I admit I'm not brave enough to start such a thing.


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Unless there's a baldness awareness revolution, which I think there should be. But I admit I'm not brave enough to start such a thing.

You have more than enough people on this forum and others.
Make a facebook page and get people liking stuff.
Bravery is not an issue its laziness for most people.


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You have more than enough people on this forum and others.
Make a facebook page and get people liking stuff.
Bravery is not an issue its laziness for most people.

It's not laziness. I wouldn't spend **** loads of my money which I've earned in meds and tests to try and treat my Hairloss. Starting such a thing requires a lot of bravery. First of all I'd have to come out an announce to the world that I'm bald and I'm showing it off. But that's just the start. Then by creating awareness for a thing which full heads and women think is totally irrelevant I'd be seen as a little cry baby who "can't get laid." Not to mention the fun and ridicule I'd receive even from the bald people. Like I said in a previous thread, even bald guys would be like "What the hell is this guy talking about? Baldness is totally fine! This guy is just an oversensitive loser... he should man up", despite knowing the truth about how it feels like being bald.

Do a search on facebook to find a page on baldness. You'll find one or two maybe with stuff like 'bald men are sexy' with just a few likes.

Getting people to like stuff is another whole issue. How many men would openly Like the page and state that they feel victimized by the public conception and awareness of baldness? How many men would be brave enough to come out and say that they are hurt by years of ridicule and abuse they've had to face? How many men come out with any stuff at all when it comes to mental or emotional trauma? It just makes them look weak and society will just ask them to "Man Up".

That is why I am the first one to admit that I am not brave enough.


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It's not laziness. I wouldn't spend **** loads of my money which I've earned in meds and tests to try and treat my Hairloss. Starting such a thing requires a lot of bravery. First of all I'd have to come out an announce to the world that I'm bald and I'm showing it off. But that's just the start. Then by creating awareness for a thing which full heads and women think is totally irrelevant I'd be seen as a little cry baby who "can't get laid." Not to mention the fun and ridicule I'd receive even from the bald people. Like I said in a previous thread, even bald guys would be like "What the hell is this guy talking about? Baldness is totally fine! This guy is just an oversensitive loser... he should man up", despite knowing the truth about how it feels like being bald.

Do a search on facebook to find a page on baldness. You'll find one or two maybe with stuff like 'bald men are sexy' with just a few likes.

Getting people to like stuff is another whole issue. How many men would openly Like the page and state that they feel victimized by the public conception and awareness of baldness? How many men would be brave enough to come out and say that they are hurt by years of ridicule and abuse they've had to face? How many men come out with any stuff at all when it comes to mental or emotional trauma? It just makes them look weak and society will just ask them to "Man Up".

That is why I am the first one to admit that I am not brave enough.

If you are not "brave" you deserve to be treated the way you are then. You are of the mind that you want others to fight your battles and then just jump on the band wagon AFTER it takes off. You my friend are the WORST kind of person and no better than the folks you b**ch about.

Grow a pair and get "brave" or stop whining.

On a side note I have apparently really annoyed Voicu Violeta on this video thread because they are trying to get my comment flagged and removed lol


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Ok Mr. Hairloss Crusader, please tell me more about what you are doing to create awareness about Hairloss. I'm the one whining? WTF are you doing on the "Impact of Hairloss" section of a Hairloss forum you little ****? I know your types. You will ridicule and call people names on the internet to boost your ego and then go and hide behind your hat and make fun of other bald people to take the spotlight away from your own bald head.

Why don't you start a facebook page and start something. I am fighting my battle when it comes to personal attacks. I don't need a douchebag on the internet telling me to do anything so that he can ride on my bandwagon while I take the **** of society as he hides behind me.

Why don't you grow a pair or gtfo out of the Ranting section of a hairloss forum you fake dick.


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Ok Mr. Hairloss Crusader, please tell me more about what you are doing to create awareness about Hairloss. I'm the one whining? WTF are you doing on the "Impact of Hairloss" section of a Hairloss forum you little ****? I know your types. You will ridicule and call people names on the internet to boost your ego and then go and hide behind your hat and make fun of other bald people to take the spotlight away from your own bald head.

Why don't you start a facebook page and start something. I am fighting my battle when it comes to personal attacks. I don't need a douchebag on the internet telling me to do anything so that he can ride on my bandwagon while I take the **** of society as he hides behind me.

Why don't you grow a pair or gtfo out of the Ranting section of a hairloss forum you fake dick.

Hair loss crusader? Im not doing schit hnoestly. I wont start a page or initiative because I dont believe there is a need for one. I know there is a way bald guys are perceived in the media, I have written about it myself but I dont really believe it should change for my own (our own) piece of mind. I dont think women should be shunned or hated because they don't find bald guys attractive. I under stand why it happens. Its not the big dastardly media "creating" these tropes, they have ALWAYS been there. Its human instinct to want to pass on the less appealing or unhealthy looking of the species like any animal would and look for better mates.

Of ALL the **** I spew on the forum about hating losing my hair I have never ONCE said anything other than this (that I can remember). Ill never say "oh I wish society would change for me" because if you arent going to make that push you'd better change for society or learn to not care what THEY think of you. You can hate your situation and be angry about it but dont expect it or wish it to change unless you are going to do it.

It has nothing to do with "bravery" and if you dont have the know how or initiative to make a stupid facebook page and put your face on it then you deserve to be pushed around. I have put my face out prior and whined about hairloss when me and my buddy did our podcast. those videos were taken down for now because he had to stop but I am more than willing to make such initiatives in things I believe in.

So yes I am willing to do the things I want to see done and not ONLY whine about.


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So you have been monitoring my life and checking for my "hairloss initiative updates"? Like I said I deal with personal attacks or insults on my own. I never said that women or society should love me either. All I demand is some respect and that can be done if all of us stand up just for ourselves. If there's someone out there who is willing to carry the baton for all of us then great. I'm all in for it.

And please go tell your podcasts stories somewhere else. If you really cared you would continue (that is if you ever did anything). Why should even I take the initiative to allow people like you to ride on on it. Like I said earlier most of the **** I'll get will be from bald guys like you who will claim that they don't feel any discrimination or that I'm just whining or crying out for attention and that baldness is just so irrelevant to guys. Keep your confidence to yourself and don't tell me what to do. I know your types.

Besides if you are willing to do things you want to see done ex: find a cure for baldness, then quit everything, study science and then join a pharma company to research a cure. Stop leaving comments on the "Impact of Hairloss" section of a Hairloss forum.


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So you have been monitoring my life and checking for my "hairloss initiative updates"? Like I said I deal with personal attacks or insults on my own. I never said that women or society should love me either. All I demand is some respect and that can be done if all of us stand up just for ourselves. If there's someone out there who is willing to carry the baton for all of us then great. I'm all in for it.

And please go tell your podcasts stories somewhere else. If you really cared you would continue (that is if you ever did anything). Why should even I take the initiative to allow people like you to ride on on it. Like I said earlier most of the **** I'll get will be from bald guys like you who will claim that they don't feel any discrimination or that I'm just whining or crying out for attention and that baldness is just so irrelevant to guys. Keep your confidence to yourself and don't tell me what to do. I know your types.

Besides if you are willing to do things you want to see done ex: find a cure for baldness, then quit everything, study science and then join a pharma company to research a cure. Stop leaving comments on the "Impact of Hairloss" section of a Hairloss forum.

MY podcasting was not about hairloss, I just talked about it a few times.
Im just tired of hearing everyone on here say they want respect and yadda yadda but not wanting to actually do anything for it. I personally just want my hair back for me. Well and to get girls easier again, thats always a plus. I know the realities of a bald guy in society, not up a NW7 personally but I understand it.
So you have these two groups of bald guys
group 1) the ones who are so beaten and lack luster they complain without taking any action making all the bald guys look like this
group 2) the ones who are SO oblivious they just dont think they have to care who make the rest of the bald guys look like clueless dicks

There doesnt seem to be a middle ground out there where the guys KNOW the truth of the situation but arent completely devoid of spirit and want to do something. I mean if life is really THAT busted you really have nothing to lose correct? The comments were not meant to be directed to only you but a lot of people on here lately.
You want some change, make it, or at least "try". Every third comment has an "i wish", "i want", "i i i, me me me"
And you know what "pre" transplant I DID try to get the guys on here together to collaborate on making something. I donated my time and web skills to it and tried to get others on board. I put out the invite and you know what...... ta da NO ONE JOINED IN. So yes I DID try.
Trust me Im no confidence pusher or by ANY means confident my self. I get my moods as well and will post some brutal stuff, but at least I can say I tried to take some action for everyone and dont want society to comfort me without effort on my part.


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Society only comforts the aesthetically pleasing.
most of society is too dumb to even be aware that they all do it.

And if we are all honest with ourselves.... one time or another.... we have all done it.