Jjchin's Story (25) - DEC update pg 1


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Hi guys,

I've been checking this forum since the last 4 months, and finally summoned the courage to register and post this story of mine. My story was pretty much about the same as others. I started losing hair since I hit 21 years old. It was not that noticeable back then, so I thought it was just a stress-induced factor that caused it. Soon enough, they are back. It was only after I joined the workforce that I really start losing them again. My colleagues commented at some occasions that I should pay attention to it.

I googled and here I am, it leads me to this forum. Read quite a fair bit here and there. I decided to jump on this bandwagon to fight hairloss. I'm currently using minoxidil 5% coupled with Propecia and Nizoral. I noticed more hairloss since then.

I'm not sure whether I'm at the the 'shedding phase' or what, but it was a painful one. I lose lots of hair, should stop this regimen??

Thanks for reading.

[Pic added]
Month 1 - May

Month 2 - June



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

hey man, welcome to the forum :)

not much we can say at this point really. it's great that you've hopped on the train and gotten on every treatment that we have some serious faith in right now. i myself have been on finasteride for only 4 months or so and i'm shedding pretty ridiculously right now i think but, well, stick it out :) if i had the choice between a descent into never having hair again, or 1 month of less hair followed by many years of more hair, i know what i'd take.

keep at it brother


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

jjchin said:
Hi guys,

I've been checking this forum since the last 4 months, and finally summoned the courage to register and post this story of mine. My story was pretty much about the same as others. I started losing hair since I hit 21 years old. It was not that noticeable back then, so I thought it was just a stress-induced factor that caused it. Soon enough, they are back. It was only after I joined the workforce that I really start losing them again. My colleagues commented at some occasions that I should pay attention to it.

I googled and here I am, it leads me to this forum. Read quite a fair bit here and there. I decided to jump on this bandwagon to fight hairloss. I'm currently using minoxidil 5% coupled with Propecia and Nizoral. I noticed more hairloss since then.

I'm not sure whether I'm at the the 'shedding phase' or what, but it was a painful one. I lose quite lots of hair, should stop this regimen??

I'll attach my pic later. Thanks for reading.

Give it at least 6 months before quitting. The hair that is falling out since you started the regimen was going to fall out anyway. Thicker hair will replace it.


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

Thanks kthxbi & NES!

I just uploaded my pic and that's how bad it is now within just one month of use of the Big 3. Prior to this, I just have a small patch of on the crown.

Since I'm already at it, I'll give it 6-9mths and hope for the best :whistle:

@kthxbi: I hope your condition improve. From all the threads I read, they begin to see the regrowth as early as 4 months into their regimen. Let's hope yours come back!

@NES: I'll give it a shot. Thanks man!



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

I have a question for you, Jjchin. I hope you can help me out.

Before you started the latest shed, back when you were 21, did you notice hair falling out all the time (shower, pillow, clothes)? Or was it more gradual (one day you looked at yourself in the mirror and just realized you were missing hair).

I'm just trying to figure out how fast male pattern baldness occurs.

Good luck with the Big 3. I hope they work out for you.


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

Hi vinicio13,

I don't really have that big a shed over the years. But I have to say I noticed more hair fall during showers since using the Big 3. The hairs that I lose are very thin. Not so much on pillow and clothes though. It was kinda scary now that I see it in the photo. I'm practically Bald :innocent:

Prior to the Big 3, it was just a gradual shed. I lose whenever I combed my hair after showers. Pillow, not so much.

How're you doing? hope all's well!



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

Thanks for your concern. The reason I asked is because I'm trying to figure out what I have. I'm losing hair really fast. I just got back home from taking a final exam (I'm in school), and about 5-6 hairs fell from my head to the desk from 8:30am to 10:00am. 6 hairs in 1.5 hours! Every 15 minutes, I'd be like "Oh, there goes another one". I had to wipe my desk after turning in the test.

But it seems to me your hair loss was less conspicuous than mine, so I guess I'll keep looking for answers. Thanks for your reply!


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

This is going to sound really harsh...but what do you really have to lose by sticking with it? It looks like your hair loss is pretty advanced already, so just stick with it and give it at least 9 months, if not more!


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

hi vinicio13, seek help from the professionals. see what they have to say about your concern. I don't really know what kind of advice they are able to offer you, but in any case (for me) just consult them before you're jumping on any kinds of treatment.

@Rawtashk: My hair was not this bad before I used Big 3. and you're right, given the current condition, it doesn't hurt much to stick with it for 9 mths or more :agree:



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

Shedding slowed down. Not much of hair loss during shower, on pillows and combing. Hopefully, things begin to look good after decent weeks of shed *cross fingers*

I'm currently using liquid minoxidil and it's starting to get hard to apply it evenly. Will Foam minoxidil be easier to use? I'm considering to switch to foam :innocent:



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

hi Captain Combover, I like your nickname! :woot:

And thanks for your reply. I have been using liquid form of minoxidil. My supply will last me a couple of days more. Looks like it's time to switch to using Foam.

I had a massive shed within 1 month of use. But I guess, I should just live with it for another 8 months or so, to see whether things will work out or not.

I just checked your story, you've had an amazing regrowth! Does it get thicker and fuller now?



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25)

Hi all,

I'm back here for 2 months update. Looks like there is an improvement. Still hoping things to get better though :whistle:

I have started using minoxidil Foam now. Realized it's hard to use liquid minoxidil nowadays. It is harder to apply it evenly and takes a longer time to dry up as well. Gotta thank Captain Combover his replies on this.

Hope y'all doing great!



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 2 months update

Yea. I seriously hope it will thicken up... :woot: *cross fingers*

I see more vellus hair filling in all over the bald patch. I still have hair falling out every now and then, but with a very much lowered quantity.



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 3 months pic update

I'm back for the 3-months update. There is a definite improvement going on there. But I don't see a clear improvement for the month of June till July.

Shedding has slowed down drastically. Been losing more of tiny and thin hairs...



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 3 months update

Hi Rawtashk, thanks for asking :)

I uploaded and updated my pics all in page 1. I thought it will be easier to make the comparisons that way with all past pics together.

I started off in April. I took the first pic at the beginning of the month. So my latest pic would be the one in July. I'm hoping that it will thicken up to fill up the "empty space" by my next Aug update :woot:


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 3 months update

I thought it was a good improvement already. Looking at the April picture, you have definitely responded well. keep it up!

side question: what's your routine like?


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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 3 months update

Hi Hairme & Captain,

Thanks for the comments. I'm definitely gonna give it year :)

I've been on finasteride since April, so it's not 4 months yet.

A little bit of update: my head feels kinda itchy after shower. Am I experiencing the sides of minoxidil or anything?



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Re: Jjchin's Story (25) - 3 months update

@Hairme: My routine is pretty normal actually. Exercise thrice a week. I take finasteride in the morning after breakfast. Applied minoxidil twice a day. I normally massage my head for about ten minutes when applying. That's probably it :woot: