Jobs open to baldies?


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Does anyone here work in a profession, like sales, that requires having a decent appearance? Are baldies relegated to being Morlocks--the programmers, engineers, wrench-turners for the long-tressed Eloi?


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It's really sad to face the fact that appearance can be a lot to get a job.
You can find good looking guys that will get a different reaction from the employers, if this guy had a nice hair....
sad... :thumbdown2:


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I work in a law firm. It's a young, 'slick' firm, where I know some of the lower level staff were hired because they were good looking.

Hasn't stopped me though, and there are bald people working there, treated the same as everyone else.

I previously worked in sales. Obviously good looks help, but in sales, I think I honestly think it's virtually all about personality. If you have the personality that can sell snow to an eskimo, you'll be hired regardless.

If you're shy, quiet or unconfident etc. you wouldn't get the job even with hair.


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Yeah Fundi, you got the point, but for sure appearance helps a lot!
A lot of people say how handsome, tall, well built and nice hair I have, but what f***? What will I be without my hair you know? My self- confidence slightly disappears and that's the problem!
We are slaves of our hairs,,,, we gotta face this fact!


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According to evolutionary psychologists, a full head of hair resembles youth, and good health, while a bald head is associated with authority, knowledge and /or social status.
It's a reaseon why the bald gene has survived for millenia.

It's a trade off; and in a culture that worships youth as the only kind of beauty, you could say that it's a bad trade. But I would play it for what it's worth.

While bald men may not appear as "handsome", fact is they are often regarded as older, more authorative, more knowledgable, and less "agressive" (that is, "kinder"). Awareness of this could certanly improve any sales tactic...


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If I were completely bald, depending on how I looked I'd just change my tactic slightly.

Instead of prancing in there, cocky, slick, acting like I'm God's gift and using this confidence to impose an authority over the clients, 'Do we even want you as a client' approach...

I'd probably go for the nice guy, but still confident, sales approach, as if you're the one trying to do them a favour.


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epictetus said:
Does anyone here work in a profession, like sales, that requires having a decent appearance? Are baldies relegated to being Morlocks--the programmers, engineers, wrench-turners for the long-tressed Eloi?

If you are bald-ish and sort of camp-queen gay you'll find quite a few jobs here in the UK (51st state) especially in customer service, hospitality, etc.

Goddammit I'm too manly man!


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Dude - today i saw some poor guy with the most freakish hair transplant result EVAR, he probebly done that somewhere in the early 80s or something, he was FUCKED UP, was slick bald and had a strip scare at teh back and these black ugly huge dots around the crown :S .... didnt seem to bother him too, he was talking the lady in the lobby (i think i even saw some smiles) i still felt sorry about it... probably i was overdramatic about it more then he is...

anyways, i dont get it - why dont you wear a wig ? at least untill you get the mess taken care of, and you dont have to wear it where people already know you....m... maybe when you graduate you can move to a big office and start fresh, there are some VERY impressive wigs out there, i know you tired but you might want to consider giving it a second shot until things will get better (and they will evantually)!


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Man! How can you accept people dumping you from the place you are paying for? You do whatever you want with your life!
By the way, how can you have done so many hair transplant's? Your donor area might be huge!


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Just get a piece, dude.
f*** doing all of those procedures - why not spend half a grand on a coolpiece or something?
Close to £100,000 for a thin, dolly head of hair?


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the problem to use a piece (a wig) is that it never looks 100% natural (maybe i am wrong) and those wigs that u remove once a week for cleaning are not that good as some people say because you can't do nothing but remove it when the head is itching.
What about a person who was huge entrances or not full bald head? How to wear pieces ?

uncomfortable man

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Hair is just one of the things people judge you by. Weather it's well kept or messy, what kind of style you have but if you're bald people judge you poorly even though it is not you're fault. People make unfair assumptions and their demeanor towards you is awkward. Unfortunately this can go for prospective employers as well, but I suppose what kind of job you were going for would make a difference.

Captain Obvious

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The trouble with me is that I don't even have the confidence to walk into places and ask for job applications. And when I do I feel so insecure because of my hairloss. I feel like people are judging me because of it.

Nashville Hairline

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Captain Obvious said:
The trouble with me is that I don't even have the confidence to walk into places and ask for job applications. And when I do I feel so insecure because of my hairloss. I feel like people are judging me because of it.
C'mon man you're being ridiculous ...try get some confidence in yourself about things that aren't your hairline

Having been unemployed over a year I can say that having money right now is more important to me than least with money I can do things like take holidays and but nice things for myself

I've been in enough interviews to know the people doing the interviewing are usually "senior" and very likely to be bald themsleves. Maybe those guys discrimate against the pretty boy NW1s when it comes to selection? :woot:


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I have yet to get any job offers (not even any interviews) from prospective employers for internships through my uni. I have gone to a half dozen job fairs, and "meet-and-greet schmooze sessions" at school, and have yet to get to first base with any employers.

All the while my classmates (who are mostly 'C' students) are getting hired left and right. But it's mostly based on their "appearance" and their "personality" which is very difficult if not impossible for a guy like me to have - with my hair looking the way it does in all, since the hair transplant's.

I call bullshit on the job situation. How can they be rejecting you because of your hair when you haven't reached the interview stage? These are people in HR who've received an application, read it, and for some reason chosen not to take it to the next stage. They have no idea what your hair looks like.

You may have met some recruiters at a few schmooze fests, but I'd be extremely sceptical that they'd be a) remembering your name, b) remembering to judge you by your hair, and c) calling up the HR department and literally telling them not to employ a particular guy because he has a weird haircut. Can you imagine that actually happening?

If you're blaming your hair for this, you're potentially going to miss a bunch of other reasons behind your failed applications. For example, you might simply be structuring your applications badly, or presenting your resume in the wrong way. These are things you can change, and might actually make a difference.

As for things you can't change, I'd suggest that being a mature student is a much more likely reason for these rejections than your hair. I'd blame that before I blamed the hair, but really I would avoid blaming any of these factors.

Bald Dave

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So this thread is for people blaming their hairloss for not getting a job??? Wahtever next??? :dunno:


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What area are you looking to work in? I'm familiar with these kinds of recruitment methods, I'm just sceptical that all of these firms are using face-to-face as their primary screening method, and that all of the firms you've been applying to have had recruiters going to these events.

Personally I think age is still a much more likely reason for rejection. Generally employers look for 20-somethings they can train from the start, and not older people who might have learned bad habits. I certainly don't think it's impossible to get work, however - it really depends on what area you're looking at.